





Is distance the cooler or the heater of love

发布者: bobo | 发布时间: 2006-4-18 20:08| 查看数: 9989| 评论数: 5|

<FONT size=4><EM>As the ancient saying goes, distance could generate the sense of beauty. How do you think my friends?</EM></FONT>
<FONT size=4><EM>After the enrollment into our graduate colleges becomes certain, another problem comes out accompanying the happiness and fulfillment in the pursuit to our own goals, that is the problem of distance. Because we are going to different universities to further our study since this September, we'll have much fewer opportunites meeting each other. However we have faith in each other, and decide to see each other as long as we have time, it's not easy but we'll try. </EM></FONT>
<FONT size=4><EM>Does any of you have similar experience as me? Would you like to share it with us? And how do you think of the saying?</EM></FONT>


LauraWang 发表于 2006-4-18 23:19:22
I agree with that distance could generate the sence of beauty. coz I've got this kind of experience for years.
More than 3 years ago, I went away from my best friends in beijing and came to a new place in my world. At the very beginning I feel so lonly and upset because I didn't know anything and i didn't have any friends. Therefore I always called them. One of my best friends told that we can not be together forever. There must be sometime we are separated. Of course that was right. We often have our own things to do. Also, she told that if I could go forward one step it could make diffenence in my life. If i could do that I would feel good. Then I tried. It was so good. I made friends and my life here is much better now.
I went back to beijing and see my friends in the end of every year. Even only once a year, we feeled better of each other and we always got lots of things to say to each other. It was really good at that time. I feeled that my friends were always with me.
nine 发表于 2006-4-19 09:11:27
I also agree on the saying that distance could generate the sence of beauty,and at the same time,it is also a mention that tests the degree of loyalty in hearts of both sides,especially two loving persons.It is right,u should have faith in each other.
On the other hand,relatives,friends and families who could't live with u forever,everyone has its own life,but the feeling still exist,so we can't lack communication.[em09][em09]
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-19 9:22:19编辑过]

LauraWang 发表于 2006-4-19 11:56:47
That's right. Communication is very important between us.
Rita娜 发表于 2006-4-26 08:48:13
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>LauraWang</I>在2006-4-18 23:19:22的发言:</B><BR>
I agree with that distance could generate the sence of beauty. coz I've got this kind of experience for years.
More than 3 years ago, I went away from my best friends in beijing and came to a new place in my world. At the very beginning I feel so lonly and upset because I didn't know anything and i didn't have any friends. Therefore I always called them. One of my best friends told that we can not be together forever. There must be sometime we are separated. Of course that was right. We often have our own things to do. Also, she told that if I could go forward one step it could make diffenence in my life. If i could do that I would feel good. Then I tried. It was so good. I made friends and my life here is much better now.
I went back to beijing and see my friends in the end of every year. Even only once a year, we feeled better of each other and we always got lots of things to say to each other. It was really good at that time. I feeled that my friends were always with me.</DIV>

<STRONG>Try my best to do some correction:</STRONG>
<STRONG>More than 3 years ago, I went away from my best friends in beijing and came to a new place in my world. At the very beginning I felt so lonely and upset because I didn't know anything and i didn't have any friends. Therefore I always called them. One of my best friends told that we could not be together forever. There must be sometime we are separated. Of course that was right. We often had our own things to do. Also, she told that if I could go forward one step it could make diffenence in my life. If i could do that I would feel good. Then I tried. It was so good. I made friends and my life here is much better now.</STRONG>
<STRONG>I went back to beijing and saw my friends in the end of every year. Even only once a year, we felt better of each other and we always got lots of things to say to each other. It was really good at that time. I <FONT color=#ff0000>felt</FONT>  that my friends were always with me.</STRONG>
Rita娜 发表于 2006-4-26 08:53:35
I do agree the old saying- "distance could generate the sense of beauty",but you know everything has two sides and something couldn't be said abosulutly.It must be based on some special conditions,right?
So the <FONT color=#f73809><STRONG>degree</STRONG> </FONT><FONT color=#000000>plays an very important role here!</FONT>
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