






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-7-21 14:59| 查看数: 1037| 评论数: 0|


  The American Red Cross has apologized for a pool safety poster that depicted some white children as "cool" and some black children as "not cool."


  The poster prompted outrage on social media after Twitter user John Sawyer posted a photo of it, asking Red Cross to send a different one to the recreation center in Salida, Colo.

  推特用户John Sawyer将海报的照片发布在网上,要求红十字会为科罗拉多州萨利达娱乐中心重新画一张海报。之后,这件事在社交媒体上迅速引起公众愤怒。

  Red Cross issued an apology on its website and on Twitter in response to Sawyer’s tweet.


  Some users failed to see what was racist about the poster, calling it another example of political correctness gone awry. Others noticed some controversial details upon closer inspection.


  Comedy writer Dan Harmon tweeted, "Rolled my eyes ...then noticed center kid. Is he literally doing nothing wrong except being ethnic?"


  Twitter user Rob Ullman, who claims to have created the original illustration for Red Cross that was later changed, tweeted, "My version is many things, but I don’t believe it’s racist."

  Rob Ullman为红十字会创作了最初的海报图片,之后红十字会更换了图片。Rob Ullman在推特上说道:“我创作的图片意味着很多东西,但没有种族歧视的意思。”

  The organization Black Kids Swim told the Washington Post there is a history of discrimination against black children at public pools that makes them less likely to take up swimming. As a result, drowning rates for black children are significantly higher than those for white children.


  In 2009, black campers were banned from a community swimming pool in Philadelphia.


  Last year, a Texas police officer resigned after video was released showing his response to black youth gathered at a pool party. The white police officer was recorded pushing a black, bikini-clad teenage girl to the ground and kneeling on her back.


  In its published apology, the American Red Cross says it is working to reduce the drowning rate in high-risk communities by teaching more children and adults to swim.


  "With this campaign, we are focusing on areas with higher-than-average drowning rates and participants who otherwise wouldn’t have the opportunity to take swim lessons."


  Meanwhile, others are left wondering how no one at Red Cross noticed anything wrong with the poster.



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