





BBC新闻:土耳其遣散总统护卫队 慕尼黑枪犯迷

发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-7-28 15:01| 查看数: 1063| 评论数: 0|

Hello, I am Jerry Smith with the BBC news.

The elite presidential guardien in Turkey is to be disbanded, after nearly 300 of its members were detained following last week's failed coup attempt. The Turkish prime minister, Binali Yildirim told the TV channel there was no longer any need for the regiment. Steve Jackson reports.

President Erdogan's far reaching purge of state institutions in the failed coup is continuing. Presidential guard consits of some 25,000 of the country's best trained soldiers and it would now be abolished.

And in Mr.Erdogan's first decree issued on the new emergency laws, he's ordered the closure of thousands of private schools and charities, they are suspected of having links to the US based cleric Fethullah Gulen, who the authorities accuse of orchestrating the coup.

The German interior minister Thomas de Maizière has visited the scene of Friday shooting in the city of Munich where gunmen killed nine people. Police said the 18 year old attacker was obsessed by mass killers, including the Norwegian white supremacist Anders Behring Breivik. Richarfd Galpin reports from Munich.

The gunman named as David Ali Somballi lived with his parents and brother in a mordern apartment block in a busy northern district of Munich. This afternoon the entrance to his apartment block were surrounded by dozens of journalists and many neighbors were reluctant to speak.

But a teenage boy called Najib told me he knew Ali Somballi because he was a friend of his brother. Najib went on to say that Somballi has left school last year and claimed he had seen him spending a lot of time since then playing violent vedio games.

The US Democratic party's presumptive presidential candidate Hilary Clinton has formally introduced Tim Kaine as her running mate. Addressing a rally in Miami, Mrs.Clinton said the Vergenia senator was everything Donald Trump and his running mate were not. Speaking in Spanish, Mr.Kaine told the rally we are all Amercans, a direct appeal to immigrants who have been vilified by Donald Trump. Mr.Kaine thanked his suporters and described Mrs.Clinton as his soulmate in the fight ahead.

I am feeling a lot of things today, most of all gratitude.I'm grateful to you Hilary for the trust that you placed to me and we are going to be cooperadorma in this great lucha ahead.

The Afghan president Ashraf Ghani has fought to avenge the death of at least 80 people killed in the suicide bombing in capital Kabul, more than 200 others were wounded in the attack which targeted a demonstration by members of the minority Halzarich Community. The Islamic State group said it was behind the bombing and stress the fact that Halzarich are Shia muslims, suggesting an intention to ferment sectarian strife.

You are listening to world news come from the BBC.

Gunmen who seized police station in the Amanian capital Yerevan nearly a week ago to demand the release of a jailed opposition leader have freed their last four hostages.But the men are refusing to laid down their weapons and now are demanding the resignation of the president.

Hundreds of the mourners have attended the funeral of a prominent investigative journalist who was killed by a car bomb in Ukraine on Wednesday.

Pavel Sheremet was burried in the Belarussian capital Minsk where he was born. He gained international prominence with his coverage of political oppression in his home country. On Friday, hundreds of others pay tribute to him in Kiev, including the Ukrainian presidnet Petro Poroshenko.

Reports from Gapon say security forces have charged demonstrators who gathered in the capital Libreville in protest against president Ali Bongo's candidacy in next month's elections.

Police threw tear gas and batons to disperse the crowd. Several opposition leaders were taking part in the demonstration including a rival presidential candidate. The French news agency AFP has compalined the police beat up one of its camera man.

An aircraft powered solely by energy from the sun has set off from Cairo to Abu Dhabi,on the final lag of its around the world flight. The Solar Impulse II began its journey in Abudabi in March 2015. If it can weather the exceptionally high temperatures to complete the flight, it will be the first time solar powered plane has cricle navigated the globe, pilot Detro Bicard expects to complete the last part of the journey in about 48 hours.


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