






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-7-30 22:29| 查看数: 1353| 评论数: 0|

This is the BBC News. Hello, I am Johnson Aizarad.

Hillary Clinton has become the first woman ever to lead presidential ticket for a major party in United States. Delegates at the Democratic National Convention at Philadelphia officially nominated the former Senator and Secretary of State as their presidential candidate. Her defeated rival Senator Bernie Sanders rounded off the count by formally asking the Convention to suspend its normal rules and approve her nomination by acclamation. The Convention chair representative Marcia Fudge put that to delegates.



acclamation: [,æklə'meɪʃ(ə)n]

n. 欢呼,喝彩;鼓掌欢呼表示通过

Senator Sanders has moved in the spirit of unity, to suspend the rules and nominate Hillary Clinton by acclamation as the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party. Is there a second? All in favour of the motion say aye. Oppose? No? The ayes have it.'

The French president Frances Hollande has said in a televised address that the Islamic threats facing Europe has never been so severe. Speaking after two Jihadists murdered the priest in his church near Rouen ,Mr. Hollande expressed his determination to defeat terrorism. Police shot dead the two men at the church ofattack. The French prosecutor Francois Molin gave new information about the assailants. Hugh Schofield has the details.




n. 攻击者

adj. 袭击的;攻击的

The prosecutor confirmed that one of the attackers was a local 19 year-old called Adel Kermiche- a young man well known to the Intelligence services. Because last year he twice tried to leave the country to join so-called Islamic State in Syria. Since March he's been living near the church under reform with house arrest that required wearing an electronic tag. Angry questions have now been asked about how a man supposedly under close surveillance could have carried out such brutal murder.'



surveillance:[sə'veɪl(ə)ns; -'veɪəns]

n. 监督;监视

A nun sister Danielle managed to escape as the priest father Jacques was being killed. 'When I saw them coming, I said ok our time has come. We are finished. But I never thought they hunt down Father Jacques. He was praying, you know, he was still at the altar on his knees. And I saw a man with a knife. He interrupted father Jacques and started to speak Arabic. He shouted something like you Christians we'll destroy you. Father Jacques tried to defend himself but of course he's an old man.

The Argentine's president announced a national plan to fight violence against women. Candies Pier reports.

Mr. Macri said that across Argentina a woman was killed every 37 hours. He said education was the key to ending deeply rooted cultural patterns of violence. The wide arranging plan will start next year and will include a new network of women refugees and money for the electronic tagging of a violent man. More money is also to be made available for telephone help line to support women living in violent situations.'

BBC News.

The suspended Brazilian president Dilma Rousselff says she will attend the opening ceremony at the Rio Olympic because she is not prepared to take a secondary position in the Maracana stadium. The spokesman for the interim president Michel Temer, her political enemy, said she would have been placed in a stand below him and not at his side.




adj. 悬浮的;暂停的,缓期的(宣判)

The Interior Minister of Bavaria says Germany should be able to expel immigrants whose applications for asylum have been rejected even if the country they come from is at war. Speaking following several Islamic attacks in the state, Joachim Herrmann said it could be necessary to change European Union laws which protect certain refugees from being repatriated. Three or four attacks in the last week in Germany were carried out by asylum seekers.



repatriate:[riː'pætrɪeɪt; -'peɪ-]

v. 遣返

n. 被遣返回国者


n. 庇护;收容所,救济院

The Federal Judge in the United States has approved in principle a 15 billion dollars legal settlement in the Volkswagen emission scandal. David Willis in Los Angeles has the details.

Nearly half a million, 2 litre, Audi and Volkswagen diesel engine cars that were sold here between 2008 and 2015 are covered by the deal. Depending on their preference, owners will be eligible to either sell their cars back to VW or have them altered to comply with local emission standards and receive up to 10,000 dollars in compensation. Final approval of the deal is expected on October. And buy-backs will begin shortly after that. Volkswagen had admitted conspiring to cheat on diesel emission tests after the scheme was foiled by regulators here in California. '




n. (光、热等的)发射,散发;喷射;发行

n. (Emission)人名;(英)埃米申


adj. 合格的,合适的;符合条件的;有资格当选的

n. 合格者;适任者;有资格者

diesel: ['diːz(ə)l]

n. 柴油机;柴油;(俚)健康的身体

adj. 内燃机传动的;供内燃机用的

n. (Diesel)人名;(德)狄塞耳

n. 迪赛(意大利时装品牌)

Thanks Willis.

And the technology giant Apple inc. has recorded a 7% fall in quarterly net profits. The company has revealed that the Iphone sells have declined for a second quarter in a row with 15% fewer handset sold than the same period last year. Investors were worried about the falling popularity of the company's key product, but hoped the decline might be reversed by the much anticipated release of the Iphone 7 in September.

BBC News.


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