





奥运史上的奇葩事儿(Bizarre facts)

发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-8-15 18:00| 查看数: 1113| 评论数: 0|

Bizarre fact 1The 400m final at the 1908 London games was ordered to be re-run because American John Carpenter blocked Wyndham Halswelle - a move legal in the States but outlawed in Britain. Carpenter was disqualified and the other two finalists, both Americans, refused to re-race, so Halswelle jogged alone round the track and took gold.在1908年伦敦奥运会上,400m决赛因为美国选手约翰•卡彭特挡在温德姆•霍斯韦尔前面而下令重跑。这中阻挡动作在美国是允许的,但在英国却是被禁止的。卡彭特和另外两名进入决赛的美国选手被取消参赛资格。结果,霍斯韦尔独自在跑道上慢跑并了获得金牌。Bizarre fact 2Though modern Olympians shoot at clay pigeons, contestants in the 1900 Games took aim at real birds. More than 300 were killed, 21 of them by winner Leon de Lunden of Belgium.


Bizarre fact 3The 1500m victory of Luxembourg's Josy Barthel at the 1952 Games was so unexpected officials had not brought along the score to the tiny state's national anthem. With Barthel waiting on the podium, the band were forced to improvise and did well enough - or, indeed, badly enough - for the runner to bury his head in his hands and begin to weep.1952年的奥运会上,卢森堡选手若西•巴特尔在1500m比赛中意外获胜,现场工作人员连人家国家的国歌都没有准备。巴特尔站在领奖台上等待着,乐队被迫现场演奏,也不知是乐队演奏太好还是太差,这位运动员当时就双手抱头哭起来了。Bizarre fact 4American Fred Lorz's marathon victory in the 1904 St Louis games was overturned when it was revealed he had hitched a lift in a car for most of the distance before racing to the finish from four miles out.在1904年圣路易斯奥运会上,美国选手弗莱德•罗茨在马拉松比赛中的金牌被取消,因为后来发现他在距离终点4英里之前的大部分赛程中搭了辆便车。Bizarre fact 5Modern games founder Baron Pierre de Coubertin introduced an arts competition at the 1912 Stockholm Games. The gold medal winner for literature was... Baron Pierre de Coubertin.在1912年斯德哥尔摩奥运会上,现代奥运会创始人彼埃尔•德•顾拜男爵旦引入了艺术类竞技。然后该比赛中文学类金牌获得者是……彼埃尔•德•顾拜旦男爵。Bizarre fact 6In 1900, in France, winners got paintings instead of gold medals. Gold, silver and bronze medals weren't given out until the third modern Olympics, in 1904. The French gave the winners paintings because they believed they were more valuable.1900年法国举办的奥运会上,获胜的运动员得到的奖品是画作,而不是金牌。1904年第三届现代奥运会上才开始颁发金银铜牌。据说,法国当时用画当奖品是因为他们认为画比奖牌更值钱。Bizarre fact 7The Olympics once lasted 187 days. In 1908, the London Olympics went on for 187 days... they started in April and didn't end until October.史上历时最久的奥运会持续了187天。1908年的伦敦奥运会4月开幕,到10月才闭幕,一直开了187天。Bizarre fact 8Olympic organizers have provided free condoms to athletes in the Olympic Village ever since the 1992 Games in Barcelona. Randy athletes used all 70,000 at the 2000 Games, leading to organizers supplying nearly twice that amount four years later. After a drop-off to just 100,000 free condoms at Beijing 2008, 150,000 were handed out at London 2012 and 450,000 will be handed out in Rio this year.


Bizarre fact 9American Margaret Abbott won women's golf gold at the Paris 1900 games in bizarre circumstances. On holiday in the French capital with her mother to visit the World's Fair which was running concurrently, she took part in what she thought was merely a golf tournament to celebrate the Fair and left for the USA not knowing she had become the first-ever American gold medalist.

在1900年巴黎奥运会上,美国姑娘玛格丽特•阿博特获得女子高尔夫比赛金牌的经历很奇特。她当时正与母亲在巴黎度假,参观正在进行的世界博览会,顺便参加了一场高尔夫比赛,她以为就是为了庆祝世博会举办的小比赛。然后她就回了美国,全然不知自己已成为美国首位奥运金牌得主。Bizarre fact 10Swimming at Athens 1896 involved the competitors being taken out in boats and then asked to paddle the required distance back to shore.1896年雅典奥运会上,游泳比赛时参赛者乘船到达离海岸指定距离的海面上,然后游回到岸边。


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