






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-8-19 23:16| 查看数: 947| 评论数: 0|

BBC news with Jerry Smit. President Putin has accused Ukraine of resorting to terror after the Russian security service said it had prevented a Ukraine plot to sabotage essential infrastructure inside the disputed territory of Crimea. Mr. Putin warned Ukraine it was playing a dangerous game. The Ukrainian foreign ministry accused him of seeking a justification to attack the country.


Russia says its forces in Syria will suspend operations in Aleppo from tomorrow for 3 hours each day to allow humanitarian aid into the city. The UN's emergency relief coordinator said that wasn't enough and a 48- hour ceasefire was needed to bring a sufficient aid.


In a damning report, the US Justice Department has accused police in the city of Baltimore of routinely discriminating against black people and of using excessive force. It gave the example of one African American man who was stopped 30 times in 4 years without ever being arrested or getting a caution.


The authorities in Congo have refused to renew the work permit of a permanent researcher from human rights watch, which regularly condemns abuses in the country. No reason was given. The rights group described it as a brazen attempt to muzzle reporting on the government's crackdown on dissent.


The authorities in the Colombian capital, Bogota, have begun demolishing a notorious district toward the center of the city called the Bronx. It was a focus for drug addicts, criminals and prostitution. At the Rio Olympics, the American Kristin Armstronghas become the first cyclist to win 3 gold medals in a row in the same discipline. Her time trial victory follows golds in Beijing and London.


And a 90- year- old tortoise in Britain has been reunited with its owner after unwittingly hitching a ride on a refuse lorry at a waste cinerator. There was a frantic search for the tortoise, called Zuma, who'd caught into a bag of rubbish. BBC news.


词汇解析1.brazen adj.厚颜无耻的,无所顾忌的例句:They're quite brazen about their bisexuality, it doesn't worry them.

他们对自己的双性恋无所顾忌, 这并不使他们担心。2.muzzle v.使……缄默,封锁……的言论例句:He complained of being muzzled by the chairman.

他抱怨被主席阻止了发言。3.cinerator n.火葬炉例句:Camp also called "death camps" usually built used mass killings and conduct human trial gas chambers, autopsy rooms and cinerator.

集中营也称“去逝营”,通常建有效于大界限搏斗和实行人体测验的毒气室、尸首剖解室和焚尸炉。4.discipline n.学科,领域例句:We're looking for people from a wide range of disciplines.

我们正在寻找各类学科的人才。5.unwittingly adv.不知不觉地,不知情地,不经意地例句:The only problem is that cantharidin is toxic, and the victims are usually women who unwittingly consume the powder in a drink.



1.President Putin has accused Ukraine of resorting to terror after the Russian security service said it had prevented a Ukraine plot to sabotage essential infrastructure inside the disputed territory of Crimea.accuse sb of... 指控某人……例句:Legitimately registered generic medicines could therefore be accused of being counterfeit solely because of a civil trademark dispute — on the basis of a similar-looking pill, for example.

合法注册的仿制药因此可能仅仅因为民事商标争议(例如因为类似外观的药片)而被控造假——例如,根据药片外观类似的理由。例句:Even at her most melodramatic she can hardly be accused of bewitching a whole generation into misplacing its stiff upper lip.

即便是自责她戏剧性的历程,也很难指控戴安娜是利用她外露的感情让一代人倾倒。2.President Putin has accused Ukraine of resorting to terror after the Russian security service said it had prevented a Ukraine plot to sabotage essential infrastructure inside the disputed territory of Crimea.resort to 诉诸,求助于,依靠例句:Shall we resort to entreaty and humble supplication?

我们应该诉诸和约和卑下的哀求吗?例句:So instead of really being themselves, they resort to strictly standing out for the sake of standing out.



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