






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2016-8-30 13:06| 查看数: 803| 评论数: 0|

Supporters of the proposed Hinkley Point nuclear power station have launched a last-ditch push for approval as Theresa May, prime minister, nears a decision on whether to go ahead with the £18bn project.

欣克利角核电站的支持者发起最后努力,争取这一拟议中的项目获得批准。英国首相特里萨•梅(Theresa May)不久将必须拍板决定这个180亿英镑的项目是否上马。

UK union leaders on Sunday called for an end to the “faffing” over a scheme they say is crucial to keeping Britain’s lights on, after EDF, the French company planning to build the Somerset plant, sought to ease security concerns over Chinese involvement.


The comments signalled a fight back against critics of Hinkley, whose arguments have appeared to be in the ascendancy since Mrs May ordered a review of the politically sensitive project last month.


Justin Bowden, national secretary of the GMB, one of the UK’s largest unions, said it was “wishful thinking” to believe that alternatives such as wind and solar power could fill the gap if Hinkley was cancelled.

英国最大工会之一GMB的全国秘书长贾斯汀•鲍登(Justin Bowden)表示,如果欣克利项目被取消,相信替代能源如风电和太阳能发电可以填补供应空白是“一厢情愿”。

“The faffing must stop now and the go-ahead on Hinkley must be given,” he said. “Until there is a scientific breakthrough on carbon capture or solar storage, then nuclear and gas are the only reliable, and cost-effective, shows in town.”


He was speaking after Vincent de Rivaz, EDF chief executive, issued assurances over the one-third stake to be held in Hinkley by state-owned Chinese investors.

他发表讲话之前,围绕欣克利项目三分之一股份将由中国国有投资者持有这一点,EDF首席执行官文森特•德里瓦兹(Vincent de Rivaz)发出保证。

“We know and trust our Chinese partners,” he wrote in The Sunday Telegraph, pointing to EDF’s 30-year partnership with China General Nuclear Power Corporation.

“我们了解并信任我们的中国合作伙伴,”他在《星期日电讯报》(Sunday Telegraph)撰文写道。他指出,EDF与中国广核集团(China General Nuclear Power)有30年的合作伙伴关系。

UK officials acknowledge that concern about Chinese influence over critical British infrastructure was one of the reasons Mrs May delayed a decision on Hinkley after taking over as prime minister last month.


Mr de Rivaz said there would be safeguards against hacking and other security risks. “All staff on nuclear projects are rigorously vetted, wherever they come from,” he wrote. “As is standard practice, the control systems at Hinkley Point C will be isolated from IT systems and the internet.”


Hinkley is likely to be discussed when Mrs May visits China for the G20 summit in Hangzhou next weekend, where she is expected to have a face-to-face meeting with her Chinese counterpart. The decision to put Hinkley on hold has been interpreted as a break from concerted UK efforts to woo Chinese investment when David Cameron was prime minister.

梅下周末访问中国出席在杭州举行的20国集团(G20)峰会时,很可能会讨论欣克利角核电站项目,预计她届时将会晤中国领导人。搁置欣克利角项目的决定被解读为告别了戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)担任首相时英国方面吸引中国投资的协同努力。

UK officials say a final decision on Hinkley is due in “early autumn”, with many expecting it before the Conservative party conference starts on October 2.


Allies of EDF say they are cautiously optimistic that the debate is moving in their favour behind the scenes. One senior person in the nuclear industry said: “Many of those in government who were previously sceptical are now better informed of the reality and are realising that a lot of the claims on cost, China, and alternatives for meeting [electricity] demand without nuclear are exaggerated and spurious.”



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