






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-9-5 15:19| 查看数: 1045| 评论数: 0|

-“Why are you out there pulling weeds in the rain, mommy?” my son asked me through our open door.

-I smiled at him as warm Florida rain dripped down my cheeks. “Because it’s the perfect time, sweetie,” I answered.

-He gave me the You’re Crazy look and closed the door.




-We have a racetrack made of clay and sand in our backyard. (It’s a long story; we were part of a TV makeover.) The track is incredibly fun for my four boys, but it also requires some maintenance—namely, weeding.

-If you know anything about Florida vegetation, you know that everything grows like crazy here. It’s insane. I toss an avocado seed in the ground, turn around, and I’ve got a tree.

-我们后院的过道是由粘土和沙子构成的。(说来话长,我们家是电视节目大改造秀的参与者。) 这个过道对于我家的4个男孩来说有趣极了,但是需要一些维护,——更具体的说,除草。


-Weeds also grow like crazy here. If I didn’t pull weeds every week, my backyard would be a jungle by summer’s end. Usually that means working up (逐渐造成, 引起) a soaking sweat in thesweltering (vt. 热得难受) humidity trying to pry (v. 用…开) weeds from my baked-in-the-sun (在太阳下晒干的) clay racetrack.

-But in the rain? Well, that’s a different story. In the rain, the roots of the weeds slide (vi.滑动) easily out of the now-soft clay. In the rain, my clothes are still soaked, but my body is pleasantly cool. It feels good and productive to pull weeds in the rain.

-杂草在这里也生长的极好。 如果我不每周拔草,我的后院即将在夏天的尾巴变成一片热带雨林。通常这意味着要(一边)忍受着汗水把衣服黏在身上的感觉,(一边)顶着潮湿的闷热感,把野草从被太阳爆晒干的粘土跑道上拔掉。

-但是在雨天呢?这就是另外一回事了。 在雨天,野草的根部可以轻易的从柔软的粘土里轻易拔出。在雨天,我的衣服依旧会黏在身上,但是我的身体是很清爽的。在雨天拔草感觉其实很好而且非常的有效果。

A while back (不久以前), my husband and I were going through a bumpyadj. 颠簸的) spot in our marriage. Actually it was more like a stony ditch (n.沟渠) with shards of glass and wreckagen. 残骸). Things were difficult. There was screaming. There was crying. There was silence.

-We decided we needed help. So we started seeing a marriage counselor.It wasn’t fun. It was like prying weeds in a jungle in almost unbearable heat. It was horrible work, but we had to do it.



-Things simmered down (vt. 平静下来) as we saw our counselor over a series of months. Slowly we recovered the beauty of the life we were living together. Eventually we got to a point where we didn’t know what we were supposed to talk about when we started our sessions because everything was going so well.

-But it was those sessions that were actually pleasant. Yes, they started out awkward. We felt crazy for being there when nothing was “wrong”. But our counselor started helping us gently work through issues that we didn’t realize were there. It wasn’t bad; in fact, it felt good and productive. My husband and I have stopped going to marriage counseling for a while now, and we’re doing fine. But in my backyard, as I was pulling weeds in the rain, I began to think maybe we should start again–while the weather of our relationship is best for weed pulling.



-People might look at us like we’re crazy. “Why spend time and money when there’s nothing wrong?” they may say.

-It might feel awkward. Working in the rain can feel that way.

-But I know what it’s like to pull weeds from dry clay. I know how it feels to struggle in the heat. I don’t want to do that again if I don’t have to. The work has to be done either way. Weeds grow like crazy. I’d rather gently pull weeds in the rain. It’s the perfect time, after all.





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