






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-9-6 17:51| 查看数: 988| 评论数: 0|

The recommended treatment for alcoholism isusually abstinence, not in Ottawa, Canada's capitalcity. At the Oak's, a permanent residence for thosewho were once homeless, alcoholics are given ameasure of white wine at hourly intervals1throughout the day. It's called the Managed AlcoholProgram and aims to stop binge drinking, reducealcohol intake and stabilize people who've led chaotic lives2. Linda Presley went along to findout how the scheme works and she spent time with the Ottawa police, the people often on thesharp end of looking out for3 the city's hundreds of alcoholics.

Well, I'm with sergeant Steve of the Ottawa police. We are at the start of the shift downtownOttawa. Where are we heading now?

Into the bar and find out one of the restaurants. Ambulance is going out so…see if they needany help.

All right. So we can see the ambulance flashing light ahead. So pull off4 behind it. So he is justbarely conscious. The paramedics have just got him on his feet now. A man in his forties hasslumped heavily on a bench. A small bottle of rubbing alcohol5, 50 percent proof is on his lap.So the paramedics are walking with him now. How do you feel when you are seeing that sooften on the streets?

Oh sad really. I mean it's a demon that he is gonna have to deal with I guess all his life.

Alcohol is an addictive demon, but the Oak's, a residential home for alcoholics in the west ofOttawa, tries to diminish its impact. Nearly fifty alcoholics live here. And every hour they areserved a "pour" as they call it of white wine. It's made on the premises and carefully measuredfor each person depending on their health and personal goals. Everybody including Anny saysthey feel better and they are drinking less than they did on the streets.

I'm getting well.

And you are looking well. How are you feeling?

I feel very good. I feel great. They are helping me a lot. This is my home now.

So your drinking is controlled here. Are you trying to drink less?

We can drink every one hour like…

The Managed Alcohol Program was the brain child of a group of Canadian health professionalswho were working with homeless people fifteen years ago. Dr. Jeff, the physician in charge ofthe Oak's and also the chief of staff of Ottawa Hospital was one of them.














1.At intervals 时时,不时;相隔一定距离(或时间)

例:It rained at intervals this month.


2.Lead a/an + adj. life 过着……的生活

例:'Isn't there some chance that William might lead a normal life?' asked Jill.


3.Look out for 搜寻,留意找,设法得到

例:I've been looking out for an efficient teaching method.


4.Pull off 把(机动车)开到路旁停车处(或路边)

例:I pulled off the road at a small village pub


5.Rubbing alcohol (用于按摩等的)摩擦醇,外用酒精

例:Swab the finger with the rubbing alcohol.



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