






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-9-14 12:19| 查看数: 680| 评论数: 0|

President Obama says China must obey an international tribunal ruling against its territorial claims in the South China Sea, addressing a summit division leaders in Laos. Mr. Obama said the landmark ruling by the tribunal in the Hague had helped clarify maritime rights in the region. China refuses to recognize the judgment.

President Obama's had a brief meeting with his Philippine counterpart, Rodrigo Duterte, in last days after the controversial politician called the US leader 'the son of a whore'.

Donald Trump has again praised the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, during campaigning for November's US presidential election. In a question announcing session with military veterans, he said Mr. Putin has been more of a leader than President Obama.

The Paralympics have officially opened in Brazil, with the spectacular ceremony promoting the theme 'inclusion'. Brazil's president was booed by the crowd during his brief appearance.

Nepal and India have urged China to share more information on glacial lakes and rivers in Tibet to help them plan for flash floods. In July, houses in a Nepali town was swept away by southern flood.

Britain's Prime Minister, Theresa May, is due to meet the president of the European Council, Donald Tusk, in London today ahead of next week's meeting of EU heads of government. The summit in Bratislava will be the first to take place without the UK in the wake of the Brexit vote.

Defense ministers from more than 80 countries will attend a peacekeeping conference in London today. It follows a commitment last year from a number of countries to provide more troops for UN peacekeeping operations around the world.

And US media say the disgraced American swimmer Ryan Lochte has been suspended for 10 months by the country's Olympic Committee. Lochte was charged in Brazil with falsely reporting a crime after making up a story about being robbed during the Rio Olympics.

BBC news.


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