






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-9-14 12:54| 查看数: 850| 评论数: 0|

From Washington, this is VOA news. I'm David DeForest reporting.

Rebel factions in Syria are expressing a number of reservations about the terms of a U.S.-Russian agreement that will usher in a cease-fire.


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n. 引座员,带位员;接待员;门房

vt. 引导,招待;迎接;开辟

vi. 作招待员;当引座员

n. (Usher)人名;(英)厄舍;(西、科特)乌谢尔

The Free Syrian Army group wrote to the United States, saying the cessation of hostilities would primarily benefit the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

In an apparent bid to strengthen their positions ahead of the stop in fighting, government and rebel troops fought in several parts of Syria Sunday. Airstrikes on the city of Aleppo just ahead of the cease-fire killed a number of civilians.


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vt. 投标;出价;表示;吩咐

vi. 投标;吩咐

n. 出价;叫牌;努力争取

n. (Bid)人名;(俄)比德

The United States Sunday marked the 15th anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks.

President Barack Obama observed a moment of silence at the White House and spoke at the Pentagon.

"We run our fingers over the names in memorial benches here at the Pentagon. We walk the hallowed grounds of a Pennsylvania field. We look up at a gleaming tower that pierces the New York City skyline. But in the end, the most enduring memorial to those we lost is ensuring the America that we continue to be."


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vt. 使...神圣;把…视为神圣

n. 圣徒

The country's major presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, paid their respects at Ground Zero.

Hillary Clinton's doctor says she has been diagnosed with pneumonia but is recovering nicely. Clinton abruptly left the 9/11 ceremony in New York because she was not feeling well.


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n. 肺炎

The video shows Clinton stumbling off a street curb, her knees buckling as aides helped her into a van.


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adj. 障碍的


n. [力] 屈曲;膨胀;扣住;褶皱;下垂;(铸造中)粗糙度

v. 把…扣紧;连接(buckle的ing形式)


n. 先锋;厢式货车;增值网

vt. 用车搬运

n. (Van)人名;(老、泰、柬、缅)万

Dr. Lisa Bardack says the 68-year-old Clinton's unsteadiness was caused by being overheated and dehydrated. The doctor examined her Friday for a prolonged cough.


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adj. 过热的;怒火中烧的

v. 使…过热;使…愤怒(overheat的过去分词)


adj. 脱水的


adj. 延长的;拖延的;持续很久的

This is VOA news.

Police in France have thwarted a possible terrorist attack in Paris this weekend by arresting a 15-year-old boy suspected of planning an imminent "violent action."


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vt. 挫败;反对;阻碍;横过

adj. 横放的;固执的

n. 划手座;独木舟的横梁

adv. 横过

prep. 横过

The arrest of the teenager Saturday came two days after police moved in on what the Paris prosecutor says was a group of female "commandos" arrested after an aborted attack at Notre Dame Cathedral and another possible attack.


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n. 突击队,突击队员

Intelligence agents suspected the boy planned to carry out a knife attack in a public place, but officials refused to name the spot where the attack might occur.

An initial poll in Croatia's parliamentary election Sunday indicates that the left-leaning Social Democrats and their People's Coalition were in the lead, but there was not a clear winner.

According to the poll, the People's Coalition won 58 seats in Croatia's 151-seat parliament. The conservative Croatian Democratic Union won 57 seats. MOST won 11 seats.

This latest election was second time in less than a year that Croatia held an election just one day after parliament was formally dissolved.

Hundreds of thousands of Catalans marched in Barcelona and other Spanish cities on Sunday, rallying for independence.

Catalan police say as many as 800,000 marchers turned out while the Spanish government says the turnout was less than half that number.

Calatonia's pro-independence regional government has set the middle of next year as a target for independence from Spain, but has been unable to persuade the central government to approve a referendum on the issue.


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n. 公民投票权;外交官请示书

Leading proponents of Brattain's leaving the European Union formed a new pressure group Sunday called Change Britain. The group aims to help "deliver the UK's referendum result in the most effective way."

Opponents of Brexit have warned that leaving the bloc would lead to economic peril. But the country's economy appears to have performed strongly in the 78 days since the vote, undermining predictions of gloom and doom.

And now, leading Brexiters are calling more loudly for a quick, sharp break with the EU, or a "hard Brexit" as it's called.

Fighting between police and protesters erupted in southeastern Turkey after a government announcement that it had replaced 28 elected municipal and district mayors in several predominantly Kurdish towns.


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adj. 市政的,市的;地方自治的


adj. 主要的;卓越的;支配的;有力的;有影响的

The Turkish Interior Ministry said Sunday that the removed officials are suspected of having ties with what the government considers terrorists.

The most important day in the annual five-day Hajj was celebrated by nearly 2 million Muslims Sunday in Saudi Arabia.

Muslims gathered beginning at sunrise on Sunday at what is known as Mount Arafat. It's about 15 kilometers from the city Mecca.

In Washington, I'm David DeForest.

That's the latest world news from VOA.


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