






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-9-24 23:33| 查看数: 883| 评论数: 0|

A parliamentary report in Britain has severely criticized the British and French intervention in Lybia in 2011. It said poor intelligence and a shallow understanding of tribal rivalries have led to an internal warfare, a migrant crisis, a proliferation of weapons and the spread of the so-called Islamic State group.

The president of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker is making his first state of union address since Britain voted to leave the EU. Mr.Juncker said the European Union respected and regretted Britain's decision to leave, but the EU was not at risk as a result of Brexit. He was applauded when he said there can be no access of common market without the free movement of people.

The attorney general of New York state has began investigating what he called possibe impropriety by Donald Trump's charitable fundation. Mr.Trump's campaign spokesman dismissed the move as politically motivated.

President Obama's administration has announced plans to admit 110,000 refugees to the United States in the fiscal year beginning next month. That's 10,000 more than originally stated.

Doctors treating Israel's former president Shimon Peres after he suffered a major stroke on Tuesday say that he is in a serious but stable condition. A spokesman said that Mr Peres has been responsive when the sedation he has been under has been reduced.

European football's governing body EUFA will elect a new president today after its former president Michell Platini was banned from football for four years.The head of Slovenian Football Association Aleksander Ceferin is being tipped to beat the Dutchman Michael van Praag.

Bradley Manning, the American soldier jailed for passing classified files to the Wikileaks website has ended the hunger strike she began five days ago after receiving an assurance that she will get gender reassignment surgery.

Those are the lastest headlines from BBC news.

Jerry Smit为您报道BBC新闻。


欧盟委员会主席容克(Jean-Claude Juncker)自英国脱离欧盟以来首次发表盟情咨文。容克表示,欧盟对英国离开欧盟的决定表示尊重并感到遗憾,但是欧盟不会由于英国脱欧而处于危险中。他说,没有人口的自由流动就不可能形成共同市场,他的讲话迎来了热烈掌声。



周二,以色列前总统西蒙•佩雷斯(Shimon Peres)突发重度中风。为他治疗的医生表示,他的情况非常严重,但是病情稳定。一位发言人表示,佩雷斯注射的镇静剂作用减弱之后反应灵敏。

欧洲足联今天将选出新的主席。其前主席米歇尔•普拉蒂尼(Michel Platini)被禁止参加足球赛事四年的时间。据透露,斯洛文尼亚足协主席亚历山大-塞弗林(Aleksander Ceferin)击败荷兰足协主席米凯尔-范-普拉赫(Michael van Praag)。





1.severely adv.严格地;严重地;严厉地

Before she could reply, my mother launched into a severe reprimand.


2.criticize vt.& vi.批评;挑剔

You were quite right to criticize him.


3.intervention n.介入,干涉,干预

The council recently drew fire for its intervention in the dispute.


4.internal adj.国内的;内部的

The parliament described the decree as interference in the republic's internal affairs.


5.proliferation n.增殖,分芽繁殖;再育;增生

The declaration deals with disarmament and the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.


6.impropriety n.不得体;不适当

There is no suggestion of impropriety by the minister.


7.applaud vt.鼓掌欢迎,欢呼;称赞

Thinking people on both sides will applaud this book.


8.dismiss vt.驳回

I would certainly dismiss any allegations of impropriety by the Labour Party.


9.sedation n.(尤指服用镇静剂而进入的)休息状态,睡眠状态

The attack victim is currently in hospital, under heavy sedation.

被袭击者目前在医院, 处于大剂量镇静作用之下。

10.assurance n.保证,担保

They had given an absolute assurance that it would be kept secret.




1.Mr.Juncker said the European Union respected and regretted Britain's decision to leave, but the EU was not at risk as a result of Brexit.

at risk有危险

An estimated seven million people are at risk of starvation.


as a result of由于…的结果

Their bodies had suffered contortion as a result of malnutrition.


2.European football's governing body EUFA will elect a new president today after its former president Michell Platini was banned from football for four years.

ban from禁止

And the liftingthe ban from the previous total shares, to reduce the rate of 25 %.

并且从以前总的解禁股份来看, 减持率达到了25%。


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