






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-9-28 14:18| 查看数: 705| 评论数: 0|

BBC news with Stewart Macintosh.

United Nations has managed to get a humanitarian convoy through to a rebel-held suburb of Damascus, Moadamieh. Food and emergency supplies were unloaded in the country’s first day delivery since such missions were suspended following Monday’s deadly attack on a convoy near Aleppo. At least forty-five people have been killed in Aleppo and some of the most intense bombardments the city’s witnessed in months, incendiary bombs were dropped on the rebel-held districts, setting them up ablaze.

The Internet portal Yahoo has confirmed hackers stole information from about five hundred million of its user accounts. Yahoo said it believed the 2014 attack had been state-sponsored. It’s recommending users change their passwords.

France has protested angrily to Belgium after two Belgian police officers were caught bringing thirteen illegal immigrants across the border. The Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve telephoned his Belgian counterpart Jan Jambon and also had what’s been described as frank and clear exchange with the country’s ambassador.

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has invited the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to address Israel’s parliament. He called on Mr. Abbas to work for peace and set off as he put it stoking hatred. Earlier Mr. Abbas urged the UN to declare 2017 to be the year in which Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land would be ended.

The Venezuelan government says referendum on whether to remove President Nicolas Maduro won’t take place this year because of wide-spread fraud in the process of collecting signatures. Opposition leader has accused the government of deliberately stalling the progress.

A second rare European bison has been found decapitated at a reserve in eastern Spain follows the discovery last week of the headless body of the small herds Alpha Male. Reserve said it suspected trophy hunters of carrying out the crime.

BBC news.


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