






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-10-30 17:30| 查看数: 961| 评论数: 0|

A senior member of the governing African National Congress in South Africa has called on its entire leadership to step down, including president Jacob Zuma. Jackson Mthembu said everyone had to take collective responsibility for the chaos in the party, which he said,was behaving worse than the apartheid government.

Turkey says its forces in Iraq have taken part in offensive against so-called Islamist State near Mosul despite the Iraqi government rejection of their involvement. Ankara said its artillery has helped Kurdish Pershmerga forces battling IS militants near the camp of Bershika.

The top NATO commander in Afghanistan has criticized the leadership of the country’s police and armed forces. General John Campbell said basic mistakes were contributing to high and rising casualty rates, especially among the police.

Ten months of political deadlock in Spain has been broken, clearing the way for Mariano Rajoy to be confirmed as prime minister. The opposition socialists have left their veto on a conservative minority government. And it’s now probable Spain will have a new administration earlier next month.

The US senate subcommittee responsable for competition said it would hold a hearing later this year on the purchase of the media giant Time Warner by AT&T. A spokesman for the Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has also said there were a number of questions that needed scrutiny.

The leader of Hezbollah in Lebanon Hassan Nasrallah has said its movement’s MPs will vote for the election of the former army commander Micheal Aung as president of the next parliamentary session. Lebanon has been without president for more than two years.

Officials in Haiti said there were still at least 150 prisoners on the run after a breakout from the jail in the north of the country. The Justice Ministry says it’s investigating whether prison guards had assisted in the breakout.

BBC news.


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