






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-12-3 17:08| 查看数: 781| 评论数: 0|

BBC news with Nick Kelly.

Nick Kelly为您报道BBC新闻。

The Green Party in the United States has formally requested a recount of presidential election votes in Wisconsin where Donald Trump won a narrow victory. Officials in the state say they are preparing to act on the request.The Greens also hope to trigger recounts in Pennsylvania and Michigan. Donald Trump has made two more middle ranking appointments since he continues forming his new administration. An analyst with the right wing FOX news network Kathleen McFarland has been given the job of Deputy National Security adviser. Mr.Trump's campaign lawyer Don McGahn will become White House counsel.

美国绿党正式请求对唐纳德•特朗普以轻微优势获胜的威斯康辛州总统选举选票进行重新计算。该州官员表示,他们已经准备好采取行动响应该要求。绿党还希望敦促宾西法尼亚州和密歇根州重新计票。唐纳德•特朗普继续组建新内阁,他已经又任命了两名中层领导。右翼福克斯新闻网络分析员凯萨琳•麦克法兰(Kathleen McFarland)被任命为副国家安全顾问。特朗普竞选团队律师麦甘(Don McGahn)担任白宫顾问。

Scientists have warned that Arctic ice has melt at an unprecedented rate because of unusually high temperatures. The researchers say this risks triggering uncontrollable climate change.


One of the closest allies of the Brazilian president Michelle Temer has resigned in the latest corruption scandal to hit the country. The government secretary Geddel Vieira Lima has become the sixth minister to stand down from Mr. Temer's cabinet since he took over in May promising to tackle corruption.

巴西总统米歇尔•特梅尔(Michel Temer)最亲密的盟友之一在这个国家最严重的贪污腐败丑闻中辞职。政府秘书处处长金德尔•维埃拉•利马(Geddel Vieira Lima)成为自特梅尔执政以来辞职的第六位部长。特梅尔5月份上台时承诺整治腐败问题。

The assembly of Pakistan Sindh province has passed a bill which outlaws forced religious conversions, the first of its kind in the country. Sindh includes Pakistan's biggest city Karachi and is also home to most of the country's tiny Hindu minority. They have complained of being regularly targeted for conversion to Islam under duress.


Tens of thousands of people have been allowed to return to their homes in the Israeli city of Haifa after firefighters gain control of massive blazes, a number of Palestinian fire crews have been assisting.


And the controversial British photographer David Hamilton, best known for nude images of young models, has been found dead at his home in Paris at the age of 83. French media reports say prescription drugs were found near his body, butthe circumstances of his death are unclear.

以年轻模特裸照著称的有争议的英国摄影师大卫•汉密尔顿(David Hamilton)在巴黎家中去世,享年83岁。法国媒体报道称,他的遗体附近发现了处方药物,但是死因不详。


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