





BBC新闻:巴西甲级球队赴赛途中坠机 引全球悲

发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-12-5 18:16| 查看数: 949| 评论数: 0|

BBC news with Marion Marshall.

Marion Marshall为您报道BBC新闻。

The world football has reacted with shock and grief to the death of almost all the players of the Brazilian club Chapecoense in an air crash in Colombia. In the club's hometown in southern Brazil, fans gathered in their stadium to grieve while the FIFA president Gianni Infantino and the sport’s most famous player Paley said football was in mourning.

全球足球界对巴西查比高恩斯皇家队(Chapecoense)所有球员在哥伦比亚遭遇空难坠亡的消息表示震惊和悲恸。西查比高恩斯皇家队的故里位于巴西南部,于是球迷们纷纷聚集在体育场表达哀悼之情,而足联(FIFA)主席詹尼?因凡蒂诺(Gianni Infantino)以及知名球员Paley均表示,整个足球界都沉浸在哀悼之中。

France has expressed extreme concern about the fighting in Aleppo where the Syrian government has made sweeping advances against rebels. The French Foreign Minister said the government and its allies would not resolve the Syrian conflict if they carried out what he called one of the biggest massacres on the civilian population since the Second World War.


The US military has admitted that coalition aircraft mistakenly bombed pro-Syrian government forces in September, thinking they were targeting fighting positions of the Islamic State group.


Water supplies to parts of the Iraqi city of Mosul have been cut as a battle to reclaim it from the Islamic State militants continues. Reports say a pipeline was hit during fighting between the Jihadists and Iraqi government forces, cutting off the supplies to some 600,000 people.


The US presidential-elect Donald Trump has chosen congressman Tom Price as Health Secretary, an outspoken critic of President Obama's Healthcare Law. A senior Democratic senator said it was akin to asking the fox to guard the hen house.

美国总统当选人特朗普已任选汤姆?普莱斯(Tom Price)为卫生部部长。普莱斯明确指摘奥巴马任期期间的医改法律。某资深民主党议员表示,这无异于让狐狸来看守鸡舍。

The wall of the Jewish cemetery in Vienna has been defaced with swastikas. The head of Austria's Jewish community called on politicians to ensure their actions during the presidential campaign did not stir up anti-semitism.


An Indonesian court has dismissed a lawsuit brought by nine community leaders who want to enforce the protection of a vast tropical forest in Aceh province from commercial exploitation. It's homed to some of world’s most endangered species including orangutans and tigers. BBC news.


BBC news with Marion Marshall.

Marion Marshall为您报道BBC新闻。

The world football has reacted with shock and grief to the death of almost all the players of the Brazilian club Chapecoense in an air crash in Colombia. In the club's hometown in southern Brazil, fans gathered in their stadium to grieve while the FIFA president Gianni Infantino and the sport’s most famous player Paley said football was in mourning.

全球足球界对巴西查比高恩斯皇家队(Chapecoense)所有球员在哥伦比亚遭遇空难坠亡的消息表示震惊和悲恸。西查比高恩斯皇家队的故里位于巴西南部,于是球迷们纷纷聚集在体育场表达哀悼之情,而足联(FIFA)主席詹尼?因凡蒂诺(Gianni Infantino)以及知名球员Paley均表示,整个足球界都沉浸在哀悼之中。

France has expressed extreme concern about the fighting in Aleppo where the Syrian government has made sweeping advances against rebels. The French Foreign Minister said the government and its allies would not resolve the Syrian conflict if they carried out what he called one of the biggest massacres on the civilian population since the Second World War.


The US military has admitted that coalition aircraft mistakenly bombed pro-Syrian government forces in September, thinking they were targeting fighting positions of the Islamic State group.


Water supplies to parts of the Iraqi city of Mosul have been cut as a battle to reclaim it from the Islamic State militants continues. Reports say a pipeline was hit during fighting between the Jihadists and Iraqi government forces, cutting off the supplies to some 600,000 people.


The US presidential-elect Donald Trump has chosen congressman Tom Price as Health Secretary, an outspoken critic of President Obama's Healthcare Law. A senior Democratic senator said it was akin to asking the fox to guard the hen house.

美国总统当选人特朗普已任选汤姆?普莱斯(Tom Price)为卫生部部长。普莱斯明确指摘奥巴马任期期间的医改法律。某资深民主党议员表示,这无异于让狐狸来看守鸡舍。

The wall of the Jewish cemetery in Vienna has been defaced with swastikas. The head of Austria's Jewish community called on politicians to ensure their actions during the presidential campaign did not stir up anti-semitism.


An Indonesian court has dismissed a lawsuit brought by nine community leaders who want to enforce the protection of a vast tropical forest in Aceh province from commercial exploitation. It's homed to some of world’s most endangered species including orangutans and tigers. BBC news.



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