






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-12-8 12:13| 查看数: 802| 评论数: 0|

BBC News with x.

The Italian Prime Minister, x, has arrived at the Presidential Palace in Rome to submit his formal resignation. It follows his crushing defeat in Sunday's constitutional referendum. The President will have to decide how best to move the country out of its present predicament.


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n. 窘况,困境;状态

x says he's resigning as Prime Minister of France to seek for Socialist Party's nomination for next year's presidential election. Opinion polls have suggested that Mr. x is the favourite to win the Socialist ticket. But analysts say the chosen candidate may struggle to reach the second round.

Hospital authorities in x have announced that x, the Chief Minister of the southern Indian state and one of India's most popular political leaders, has died after a prolonged illness. Yesterday, she suffered cardiac arrest. A former film star, x was idolised by many x, even though she was briefly imprisoned for corruption.


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adj. 延长的;拖延的;持续很久的

An appeal court in Gambia has ordered the release on bail of the opposition politician, x, and 18 others. Their release comes three days after President x lost an election after 22 years in power.

The United Nations says an investigation into allegations of sexual abuse by peacekeepers in the Central Africa Republic has identified 41 of the alleged perpetrators. 25 were from Brundi, and 16 from Gabon.


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n. 犯罪者;作恶者;行凶者

The South American Football Confederation has officially declared the Brazilian club, x, champions of this year's x Cup, following the accident that killed most of its players.

And Chinese investors have bought a traditional British pub, where President XI Jinping enjoyed a pint of beer and fish and chips on a visit last year. He was taken to the x by the then British Prime Minister, David Cameroon. Since then, it's become a tourist attraction for Chinese visitors.

Those are the latest stories from BBC News.


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