






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-12-19 11:33| 查看数: 789| 评论数: 0|

BBC news with Steward Macintosh.

Steward Macintosh为您报道BBC新闻。

The advancing Syrian army says its battle with rebels for control of the city of Aleppo has entered its final phase. Earlier the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the rebels have withdrawn from another six neighborhoods,thousands of civilians are among the rebels in their small and rapidly shrinking enclave.


Airstrikes on villages held by Islamic state militants in Syria have reportedly killed more than 50 people. Opposition activists say the attacks targeted villages northwest of Palmyra which was recaptured by Islamic state militants over the weekend.


Aid workers say more than two million children in war torn Yemen are now acutely malnourished, UN children’s agency says at least one child there dies every ten minutes as a result of preventable disease.


The European Union and the US are imposing sanctions against senior officials in the Democratic Republic of Congo for their role in deadly clashes with protesters. The demonstrators want President Joseph Kabila to step down.

欧盟和美国对刚果民主共和国一些高级官员实施制裁,惩罚他们在与抗议者发生致命冲突事件中的作用。示威者希望总统约瑟夫•卡比拉(Joseph Kabila)下台。

The Gambian Bar Association says President Yahya Jammeh’s rejection of the country's election result is turning to amount to treason. Mr. Jammeh, who lost initially agreed to leave office, but on Friday he said that he no longer accepted the results.

冈比亚律师协会表示,总统叶海亚•贾梅(Yahya Jammeh)否认选举结果的态度相当于叛国。在选举中失败的贾梅最初同意离职,但是周五他表示不再接受选举结果。

The Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir has warned those thinking of protesting against him that he would not be overthrown by people using keyboards and what’s app. His government has faced backlash since it announced tough austerity measures last month.

苏丹总统奥马尔•巴希尔(Omar al-Bashir)警告那些试图抗议他的人,他不会被使用键盘和软件的人推翻。自上月宣布严格的紧缩措施以来,他的政府一直面临强烈抵制。

The former Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Guterres has been sworn in as the next secretary general of the United Nations. He said the UN had to reform the way it works to be more effective.

前葡萄牙总理安东尼奥•古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)就任联合国秘书长。他表示,联合国必须改革工作方式,提高工作效率。

The footballer Cristiano Ronaldo has been voted the best player in the world for the fourth time wining the Ballon d’Or award. Ronaldo captain Portugal to their first major international victory in the European football championships.

克里斯蒂亚诺•罗纳尔多(Cristiano Ronaldo)连续第四次被评为世界最佳球员,赢得金球奖。欧洲足球锦标赛期间,罗纳尔多担任队长带领葡萄牙赢得首次重要国际比赛的胜利。

And that is the BBC news.



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