






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-12-21 11:11| 查看数: 1219| 评论数: 0|


A Clipping about Winter


Liu Yeyuan


They will never be able to follow him again – never! Behind him, there used to be a ravine, but now it is gone. It has gradually “degenerated” into what is currently a street, where many old acquaintances he now has no time to think about have chosen to stay. People have their own preferences. It is natural that they don’t have to follow anyone. He now has no energy to turn back, and that is exactly the gap that used to confuse and disturb him so much. If someday he has to sink, too, he muses, he will sink into the bottom of the sea – that deep, blue bottom, where many deep-sea creatures are swimming and large submarine benthos, glittering. He will rest there, together with the fish and the sea grass and his pre-evolutional ancestors, where there will be no mirth, but no stupid questions either.



In the beginning, he was the one who followed them. That was when he was very young. Then, they walked abreast for quite a while. But one day, while looking at each other, he said something to them, and then realized that he had nothing more to say. Those extremely important words fell into an abyss between him and them, a very deep abyss that slowly but surely split the two wide apart into different generations. He lowered his head, for nothing was obscured any more.



Although he still sees them from time to time, there is only formality left between the two. That is all there is to it.


The one who once told him that he had gone too far became his friend later, the earliest and most lasting friend of his.


He left them to walk all by himself, through one winter after another.



But winters were rigid. Do you know how crude and rough a small scales-making factory with just over a hundred workers was twenty years ago? In the middle of a dark, damp shed of a factory house, covered with a leaking roof, bestrewn with ore, metal, and other items randomly thrown on the ground, stood a small, wobbling and primitive furnace which released its exhausts into open air. Standing, in wind and snow, on a decrepit, shaking wooden rack, in the deafening noise of a booster fan, sweating all over his dust-covered body, he had to continuously pour buckets upon buckets of heavy pig-iron lumps into the firewood- and coal-fueled blaze in the furnace. This was what the fellow workers called “material feeding.” He worked there for over four years – hammering iron, spraying paint, grinding metal, drilling holes, sand-casting, and repairing and installing platform-balances, platform-scales, and wagon-balances…Whatever he was asked to do, all because he was classified as an “untouchable” of the “denounced class.” He had to constantly carry those 25kg balance weights, constantly lift and pour the 50kg-plus ladle filled with flaming-hot molten iron, constantly worry about those repudiation meetings – all as vivid as if they had just happened. However, that physically exhausting and mentally repressive period was exactly when he came to deeply understand what his father once told him – “Look far!” What a plain, philosophical, and artistic advice! Look far – far into the distance where there are height and depth, humans and spirits, Heaven and Earth, future and history, and abstraction and physical existence. This belief toughened up his weak body and made meaningful what he was going through. It really worked, worked better than Qigong or a faith in Buddhism or Taoism. It later became his life-long companion and a totem that no large rivers or oceans could carry away. Like those feelings of “endless winters” that keep welling up nowadays, it has re-created him. Therefore, whenever a winter befalls him now, his body comes to where his heart dwells.



You will be solemn, when winter comes, he said.


Winter is what we deeply and painfully adore, which a deep feeling purer and sturdier than the first love.


Even in the desert, he said, you don’t have to look for water.


For you, yourself, are the source of water;


Of spirit, of knowledge, of wealth;


Of creativity, of strength;


Of humans, and of gods.


By then, for as long as it lasts, it will forever signify the truth that a real feeling is not as worthy as a deep feeling.



“Hello, winter!”


Indeed, no greeting is as touching and significant as this.


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