






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-12-23 13:02| 查看数: 918| 评论数: 0|

BBC News with Marion Marshall.

Marion Marshall为您报道BBC新闻。

US defense officials say a Chinese warship has seized an underwater drone deployed by an American navy research vessel in the South China Sea. The Pentagon says the unmanned vehicle has been collecting unclassified data in international waters off the Philippines on Thursday. The US has lodged a formal protest.


No evacuation convoys have left Aleppo for the past eight hours, raising concerns for thousands of people still thought to be trapped in the remaining rebel enclave. The evacuation was suspended after pro-Syrian government militias demanded that a reciprocal deal must be carried out for two villages besieged by rebels.


Regulators in Nigeria say a church that collapsed last Saturday, killing dozens of people, had multiple structural faults and did not have the required building permit. They urged the engineers involved to surrender to the police as requested by the state governor.


The former Democratic presidential candidate Hilary Clinton has for the first time publicly attributed her defeat in the US election in part to Russian hacking. Mrs Clinton said that President Putin had a grudge against her, describing Russia’s parliamentary elections as rigged.


Long queues have been forming outside the Venezuelan central bank in the capital Caracas and the city of Maracaibo, while citizens have been told to deposit the last of their old 100 Bolivian banknotes. President Nicolas Maduro ordered that withdrawl by midnight last night in a beat to stop smuggling and hoarding.

委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯和马拉开波市中央银行外排起了长队,市民们被告知存储最后的老版100面额的玻利瓦尔纸币。总统尼古拉斯•马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)下令这种面额的纸币昨晚午夜之前作废,以打击走私和囤积居奇。

Demonstrations in support of press freedom have forced the Polish parliament to postpone a key vote on the state budget. The government said it didn’t believe its proposed measures were restrictive.


China has reacted sharply to a meeting between the exiled head of Tibetan Buddhism the Dalai Lama and Indian President. Dalai Lama was invited by President Pranab Mukherjee to a conference on children’s rights.


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