






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-12-28 11:39| 查看数: 823| 评论数: 0|

Now the BBC News with Steward Macintosh.

Steward Macintosh为您播报BBC新闻。

Police forces across Europe are hunting a 24-year-old Tunisian man in connection with the Berlin lorry attack. Officials in Germany say Anis Amri could be armed and dangerous. He had been suspected of planning to commit a serious crime before the attack on the Christmas market.

欧洲全境警方正在通缉一名24岁的突尼斯男子,该男子涉嫌与一起驾卡车攻击案有关。德国警方表示,阿尼斯•阿姆里(Anis Amri)现在可能全副武装并十分危险。阿尼斯涉嫌在圣诞节超市进行攻击前实施一次骇人听闻的犯罪活动。

An examination of satellite imagery and the forensic investigations of bomb craters has revealed that artillery units in Russia regularly targeted Ukrainian military positions during the early part of the conflict in Eastern Ukraine in 2014. The Russian government denies involvement.


The Supreme Court in Gambia will hear President Yahya Jammeh's legal challenge to this month's election result, but not until January, because there are not enough judges. The Chief Justice said new members from Nigeria and Sierra Leone had been appointed, but they weren't in the country.

冈比亚最高法院会就其现任总统亚希亚•贾梅(Yahya Jammeh)针对本月的大选结果提出法律起诉举行听证会,但听证会可能要推迟到1月举行,因为法官人手不足。首席法官表示,来自尼日利亚和塞拉利昂的新成员已获得任命,但目前均不在国内。

One of Brazil’s biggest construction companies, Odebrech, has admitted in a court in the United States to paying bribes to officials to secure contracts. The company and a Brazilian petrochemical firm, Braskem, have agreed to pay at least 3.5 billion dollars to settle charges of breaching foreign bribery laws.


Buses are evacuating the last remaining civilians from the rebel enclave in Eastern Aleppo. The International Committee of the Red Cross says it's now brought out all hospital patients and those needing medical care.


The authorities in Mexico have identified 13 of the 31 people killed in a series of explosions in the country's biggest fireworks market on Tuesday. The Mexico State Prosecutor said some were so badly charred that neither their age nor gender could immediately be determined.


The outgoing president of Ghana, John Mahama, has been criticized for making appointments to key public institutions, less than three weeks before he leaves office. A lawsuit has been filed to stop him giving out any further jobs.


BBC News.



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