






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-1-3 17:16| 查看数: 870| 评论数: 0|

President Obama has ordered the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats in response to Moscow's alleged interference in the U.S. presidential elections through hacking operations. Mr. Obama also said Russia had been harassing U.S. officials. His successor, Donald Trump, has repeatedly played down the hacking claims, but has now said he will meet U.S. intelligence chiefs to be updated on the situation.

expulsion:[ɪk'spʌlʃ(ə)n; ek-]

n. 驱逐;开除


n. 智力;情报工作;情报机关;理解力;才智,智慧;天分

A nationwide ceasefire agreed by the Syrian government and rebel factions has come into force. While fighting was said to have stopped in much of the country, there have been reports of some clashes between government forces and the rebels. A number of organisations are not covered by the truce, including Islamic State.

Police in Rio de Janeiro have found a body inside a burnt-out car that had been rented by the Greek Ambassador to Brazil, x. He's been missing for 3 days after traveling to Rio from Brasilia for the traditional New Year celebrations.

A major breach of security at a British nuclear facility in 1988 led to centuries of the base in Scotland being ordered to shoot suspected saboteurs on site. Archived government papers published today reveal a succession of security failures that allowed 3 anti-nuclear protesters to break into the base.


n. 怠工者,破坏者;从事破坏活动者

A full-length opera composed an 11-year-old British girl has received its world premier at a sold-out performance in Vienna. x's opera, Cinderella, relocates the traditional fairy tale to an opera house managed by Cinderella's stepmother with the two ugly sisters re-imagined as aspiring divas.

premier:['premɪə; 'priː-]

adj. 第一的;最初的

n. 总理,首相


adj. 有抱负的;追求…的;高耸的

v. 立志(aspire的ing形式)


n. 歌剧中的首席女主角

n. (Diva)人名;(法、意、塞、芬、伊朗)迪娃 (女名),迪瓦

And the tennis star, Serena Williams, has taken to the social media site, Reddit, to announce her engagement to its co-rounder, x. Williams said he'd taken her on a surprise trip to the restaurant in Rome where they first met more than a year ago.

BBC News.


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