






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-1-8 22:24| 查看数: 820| 评论数: 0|

BBC News with Julie Candela.

Julie Candela为您播报BBC新闻。

The American Secretary of State, John Kerry, has staunchly defended Washington's decision to let the U.N. Security Council pass last week's resolution declaring Israeli settlements illegal. Mr. Kerry said the move was designed to preserve the two-state option from serious jeopardy. Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, expressed deep disappointment at, what he called a radical shift in American policy.

美国国务卿约翰克里坚定捍卫了上周美国政府关于同意联合国安理会通过宣布以色列定居点非法的决定。克里说,此举是为了让两国的抉择悬崖勒马,避免酿成大错。以色列总理内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)表示,美国政策的巨大转变让他感到十分失望。

Syrian rebel groups say they are discussing a ceasefire with Turkey, but that it's too early to say whether it has any chance of success. One of the main rebel groups said that one of the points of contention was the exclusion of a rebel-held area on the outskirts of Damascus from the deal.


German prosecutors have arrested a forty-year-old Tunisian man in connection with the truck attack that killed twelve people at a Christmas market in Berlin. They say his number was found on the phone of Anis Amri, the radicalized Tunisian who drove the truck. Meanwhile, German media report that an automatic braking system kicked in when the lorry hit the first stalls in the market, preventing Amri continuing the attack.

德国警方已逮捕了一名40岁的突尼斯男子,该男子涉嫌柏林圣诞市场致12人死亡的卡车袭击案。据警方表示,该男子的号码是在阿尼斯阿姆里(Anis Amri)的手机上发现的,后者是架势卡车的激进突尼斯嫌犯。此外,据德国媒体报道,就在该辆卡车撞倒了圣诞市场的第一排摊铺后,卡车的自动制动系统开启,阻止了阿尼斯继续实施袭击行为。

A group of high-ranking U.S. Senators has warned that Russia could face harsh sanctions for its alleged attempts to influence the U.S. elections through cyber attacks. The Republican and Democratic Senators said the measures would also target President Putin.


The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe says it came under a major cyber attack in November. It said the incident had put the integrity of its computer network at risk, but that the systems were safe now.


The last military President of Uruguay, Gregorio Alvarez, has died in prison at the age of 91. Mr. Alvarez led the brutal persecution of the left-wing Tupamaro’s guerrillas in 1970s. He became President of Uruguay in 1981, and stood down four years later.

乌拉圭最后一位独裁者阿尔瓦雷兹(Gregorio Alvarez)在狱中离世,享年91岁。阿尔瓦曾于20世纪70年代期间领导了对左翼图帕马罗城市游击队的残忍迫害。1981年成为总统,并于4年后下台。


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