






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-1-11 19:44| 查看数: 1047| 评论数: 0|

BBC News with Marion Marshall

The former Iranian PresidentAkbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has died of heart failure. He was 82. Ayatollah Rafsanjani served as president from 1989 to 1997. He continued to play a hugely influential role in Iranian political life espousing a pragmatic rather than a hardline agenda. In recent years, he became a figure head of the more moderate tendency.

espouse:[ɪ'spaʊz; e-]

vt. 支持;嫁娶;赞成;信奉


adj. 实际的;实用主义的;国事的

Iraqi Special Forces have reached the banks of the Tigris which divides Mosul almost three months after launching their assault on Islamic State forces in the city. The advance is the latest gain by Iraqi counter-terrorism troops who recaptured two districts in recent days.

assault:[ə'sɔːlt; ə'sɒlt]

n. 攻击;袭击

vt. 攻击;袭击

vi. 袭击;动武

Four Israeli soldiers have been killed in Jerusalem as a truck drove into them. Video shows the truck ramming into a group of soldiers and then reversing to hit them again. The driver of the vehicle was shot dead. Israeli police say he was from an Arab neighborhood in East Jerusalem.


n. 打结炉底;锤击

n. (Ramming)人名;(德、瑞典)拉明

President Obama says he underestimated the impact cyber hacking and misinformation could have on democracies. But Mr. Obama said he didn't underestimate President Putin and he repeated that Russia had meddled in the presidential campaign.

Up to 1000 Tunisians have marched in the center of the capital Tunis to protest against returning jihadists from Syria, Iraq and Libya. Some of the demonstrators shouted no to returning terrorists while others carried photos of members of the security forces killed fighting extremists.

A group of hardline Buddhist nationalists have intervened to stop a Muslim religious ceremony in Myanmar's largest city Yangon. Buddhist monks headed the group which marched into a special Muslim ceremony.


vi. 干涉;调停;插入

There's been more trouble in a prison in the Brazilian city of Manaus. Four people were killed at the Vidal Pessoa jail in the city center early on Sunday. The prison had been reopened to house prisoners from another jail where 56 prisoners died in a riot last week.


n. 暴乱;放纵;蔓延

vi. 骚乱;放荡

vt. 浪费,挥霍

n. (Riot)人名;(法)里奥;(西)里奥特


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