






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-1-24 12:00| 查看数: 848| 评论数: 0|

The Senegalese army says West African forces will take action at midnight in The Gambia, unless President x agrees to hand power to the winner of last month's election, x. The military spokesman said Senegalese troops have moved to the Gambian border. Mr. x has refused to accept the result of the poll.

Russia says its military aircraft have joined Turkish planes to attack Islamic State militants in northern Syria. But the Turkish authorities have been less forthright, saying only the Russian air raids carried out in coordination with Turkey.

forthright:['fɔːθraɪt; fɔːθ'raɪt]

adj. 直率的;直截了当的

adv. 直率地;马上;立即

n. 直路

Global temperatures for the past 12 months reached a record high for the third year in a row. Experts attribute the rise to an increase in man-made greenhouse gases, and a weather phenomenon known as El nino, all but one of the 16 hottest years on record have occurred in this century.

Two of the biggest investment banks in the city London have said they'll move some of their staff out of the U.K. when it leaves the European Union. HSBC has confirmed plans to transfer to Paris 1,000 workers, who generate about a fifth of the bank's European revenue.


vt. 使形成;发生;生殖;产生物理反应

The former U.S. president, George Bush Senior, who's been in hospital since Saturday, has been moved to intensive care. He is said to be in a stable condition after being treated for pneumonia. Mr. Bush is 92.


n. 肺炎

The Colombian President, x, says formal peace talks with the country's second largest rebel group, the ELN, will begin next month. He said the rebels had agreed to free a former congressman they've been holding since April.

The reigning champions of Asia's top club football competition have been banned from this year's contest because of match fixing. The South Korean side, x Hyundai Motors, have been excluded from the Asian Champions League.

match fixing


And an international study of the world's primates has found that 60% of species are threatened with extinction. The research suggest that without urgent action, many types of primate will disappear within 25 years.

BBC News.


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