






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-2-2 23:01| 查看数: 776| 评论数: 0|

Donald Trump has begun his term as the 45th president of the United States with a pledge to end, what he called, the carnage of America. In his inaugural address, he promised change to end the scourges of abandoned factories, rampant crime and a failed education system. In foreign policy, he pledged to build new alliances and to unite the civilized world with the aim of completely eradicating radical Islamic terrorism.


Mr. Trump moved quickly to sign his first executive order as president including the proclamation of a national day of patriotism. He also signed a waiver to allow James Mattis to serve as defense secretary even though it’s less than the required seven years since he left the military.

特朗普迅速采取行动,签署了作为总统的首个行政命令,包括设立爱国日。他还签署了弃权令,允许詹姆斯•马蒂斯(James Mattis)担任国防部长,尽管没有达到离开军队七年的要求。

There’ve been protests in a number of cities across the United States as Mr. Trump sworn in. In Washington, police used pepper spray and stun grenades against protesters, some of whom damaged vehicles and destroyed property. There were more than 200 arrests.


A close aide to the Gambian President Adama Barrow says the embattled former head of state Yahya Jammeh has agreed to step down and leave the country. The aide spoke to the BBC after talks between Mr. Jammeh and the presidents of Guinea and Mauritania, who are trying to negotiate an end to the Gambian crisis.

冈比亚总统艾达玛•巴罗(Adama Barrow)的一位亲密助手表示,四面楚歌的国家前领袖叶海亚•贾梅(Yahya Jammeh)已经同意辞职并离开这个国家。这位助手与贾梅和几内亚,毛利塔尼亚总统对话后接受了BBC采访。这两位总统试图通过谈判结束冈比亚危机。

Rescue workers in Central Italy have now pulled five survivors from air pockets in the ruins of a hotel that was hit by an avalanche on Wednesday. Rescuers are still trying to extract five others from beneath the debris.


The US military says an airstrike on Thursday on an al-Qaeda training camp in Syria killed more than 100 fighters. The Pentagon said the strike disrupted the group’s training operations.


The Mexican drug lord Joaquin Guzman has pleaded not guilty to 17 charges of drug trafficking, kidnapping, murder and conspiracy at a court in New York. Mr.Guzman was extradited to the US on Thursday.

墨西哥大毒枭古斯曼(Joaquin Guzman)在纽约法庭上面临17宗贩毒,绑架,谋杀和密谋罪指控请求无罪。古斯曼于周四被引渡到美国。

BBC News.



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