






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-2-5 13:25| 查看数: 994| 评论数: 0|

More than a million people have turned out protested against President Trump in cities across the United States originally planned as a march on Washington to demonstrate against Mr. Trump’s statements on women. The rallies have driven huge crowds in many cities. In both Washington and Los Angeles, officials estimated more than half a million people had gathered.


vi. 估计,估价

n. 估计,估价;判断,看法

vt. 估计,估量;判断,评价

The White House has accused some parts of media have engaged in what it called false reporting of Mr. Trump’s inauguration as president. The White House spokesman Sean Spicer said a number of people who had gathered was the largest crowd to witness at an inauguration and the media wasin division about tweets and false narratives.


n. 叙述;故事;讲述

adj. 叙事的,叙述的;叙事体的

The former President of the Gambia Yahya Jammeh has left the country after agreeing to handle of power to Adama Barrow who defeated him in a presidential election last month. Mr. Jammeh has landed in Guinea on route regional group Ecowas to exile in Equatorial Guinea.

At least 13 people have been killed and many injured in a train crash in the southeastern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Many people are said to be trapped in the wreckage.

The Lebanese Prime Minister says the country security forces have prevented a suicide attack in Beirut. Saad Hariri twitted that the army and intelligence unit have stopped the suspect bombing in a busy commercial district of the capital.

The authorities in Chile have declared the emergency in a vast area affected by the country’s worst forest fires in decades. There are more than 17 uncontrolled fires in central Chile. The blazes began over a week ago and spread quickly in the dry and hot summer weather.

Wayne Rooney has become the leading goals scorer for Manchester United. He’s scored 250 goals for the team, surpassing Sir Bobby Charlton’s total which stood for more than 40 years.


vt. 超越;胜过,优于;非…所能办到或理解


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