






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-2-22 23:30| 查看数: 974| 评论数: 0|

Thousands of Iraqi government forces have advanced into a handful of villages on the opening day of an offensive to recapture the city of Mosul from the Islamic State group. A BBC correspondent saw weapons and ammunition abandoned by the jihadists. The first target appears to be Mosul's airport. IS militants are fighting back.


n. 弹药;军火

vt. 装弹药于

vi. 装弹药

Rebel factions in Syria that have supported recent peace moves say that an intensification of Syrian government bombing shelling has put the current fragile ceasefire in jeopardy. The rebel groups say they reserve the right to respond to the attacks, denouncing them as a bloody message from what they called a criminal regime.


n. 强化;加剧;激烈化;增强明暗度


n. 危险;(被告处于被判罪或受处罚的)危险境地

Sweden has asked the U.S. State Department to explain what President Trump meant when he referred to an apparent attack in the Nordic country on Friday. The comments met with redicule on Twitter with people listing imaginary situations, including the former pop group, ABBA, and the furniture giant, IKEA.

Donald Trump's Chief of Staff, x, has defended the President's use of the phrase enemy of the people to describe the U.S. press. Mr. x said too many news outlets were putting out fake news, and not broadcasting the achievements of the administration.

At least 34 people are now thought to have died in a car bomb attack in the Somali capital, Mogadishu. The new President, x, blamed the Islamist group, Al-Shabab.

There's been an explosion near the bull ring in the Colombian capital, Bogota. Many police officers were injured in the blast, and one is reported to have been greatly wounded. They had been deployed ahead of expected protests against the latest Sunday bullfight.


n. 斗牛(流行于西班牙和南美)

And an authorised protest against an unpopular tax on people who are seen as underemployed have spread from the Belarusian capital, Minsk, to other cities. They are seeking the repeal of attacks instigated by Belarus's authoritarian President, x.


vt. 唆使;煽动;教唆;怂恿


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