






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-3-4 22:58| 查看数: 786| 评论数: 0|

BBC News.


President Trump has welcomed the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to the White House, saying he will work very hard in, what he called, a great peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians. He said both sides would have to make compromises.

特朗普总统接待了到访白宫的以色列总理内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu),并表示其将会努力促成巴以之间和平协议的签订。特朗普表示,巴以双方都需要做出妥协。

President Trump has described as nonsense a report in the New York Times that his campaign team had contacts with Russian officials before last year's election. Speaking two days after the resignation of his national security adviser, Michael Flynn, Mr. Trump accused the U.S. intelligence services of illegally leaking information.

特朗普将《纽约时报》上称其团队在去年美国大选前与俄罗斯官员过从甚密的报道为一派胡言。在其安全顾问迈克尔 弗林(Michael Flynn)卸任2天后,特朗普公开指责美国情报机构非法泄露信息的行为。

The American Defense Secretary, James Mattis, has warned that the United States will moderate its commitment to NATO, unless member countries increase their defense spending. But speaking at his first meeting with the NATO defense ministers in Brussels, Mr. Mattis said the alliance was a fundamental bedrock of trans-Atlantic ties.

国防部部长詹姆斯 马蒂斯(James Mattis)此前曾警告称,如果北约成员国不加大国防投入,那么美国将会放松其对北约的承诺。不过其在布鲁塞尔与北约各国国防部长进行第一次会晤时,他说,美国与北约的联盟是泛大西洋关系的根本基石。

North Korea has asked Malaysia to hand over the body of a man, who's thought to have been poisoned at Kuala Lumpur Airport. He's believed to be Kim Jong Nam, the half-brother of the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un.


The U.S. Senate has voted to block a legislation passed under President Obama, which would have prevented some people with mental disabilities from purchasing firearms. The regulation, strengthening background checks, was introduced in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012.


Scientists in the U.S. say they can detect autism in children's brains long before any behavioral symptoms emerge. The earliest children tend to be diagnosed, they said, at the age of two. Some cases are not picked up until children go to school.


Greece has rejected a request by the Italian luxury brand, Gucci, to hold a fashion show amid the ruins of the Acropolis. Greek media reports said the fashion house had offered more than two million dollars for the use of the ancient site.


And that's the summary from BBC News.


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