






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-3-16 22:43| 查看数: 873| 评论数: 0|

Debby Russ为您播报BBC新闻。

A centrist party in France, the UDI, has suspended its support for the center-right presidential candidate, Francois Fillon, after he revealed that he is facing a formal investigation into fraud allegations. Mr. Fillon has repeatedly denied allegations that he paid his family public money for work they didn't do.

中间偏右党派民主和独立联盟(UDI)停止支持其右翼候选人菲永(Francois Fillon),因其公开表示自己正在接受一起有关欺诈指控的正式调查。而此前,菲永曾多次否认自己为家人吃空饷而挪用公款的指控。

A U.N. investigation into the battle for the Syrian city of Aleppo last year has concluded that both sides were guilty of war crimes. It says the Syrian Air Force carried out an attack on a U.N. aid convoy, in which 14 people died. Rebels are said to have used civilians as human shields.


Syrian government forces fighting Islamic State militants have reportedly advanced into the edge of Palmyra, the desert city that's home to world famous ancient ruins. The militants first captured Palmyra in 2015, and deliberately destroyed some of the 2000-year-old monuments and towers.


British scientists say they've unearthed fossils of one of the earliest living organisms, which shows that life on earth began hundreds of millions of years earlier than previously thought. The fossils, found in Canada, date back up to 4.3 billion years ago.


The Upper House of the British Parliament has voted to require the government to protect the rights of more than 3 million Europeans in Britain when the country leaves the European Union. It's the first defeat for the government in the passage of a bill to start the leaving process.


A survivor of clerical sex abuse has resigned from a Vatican commission set up to tackle the issue. Marie Collins accused the Vatican bureaucracy of failing to cooperate with the commission's work, saying officials had behaved shamefully.

教会虐童丑闻的幸存者已从罗马教廷委员会辞职,该委员会的设立是为了处理虐童事宜。这位幸存者玛丽 科林斯(Marie Collins)指责罗马教廷的教士没能与委员合作完成这项工作,称很多教士行为可耻。

And the Danish toy company, Lego, has said it's making a new set of figures based on real female scientists, engineers and astronauts. The designer said she hopes the toys would show girls they can be scientists, and boys that these careers are for everyone.



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