






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-3-19 23:31| 查看数: 998| 评论数: 0|

BBC News I’m John Shay

The United Nations has warned that a broadcast to its funding proposed by President Trump will undermine his reform to the organization. The comments come after the US Administration outlined budget plans that include a reduction and contributions to the UN.


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vt. 破坏,渐渐破坏;挖掘地基

The Republic and Democratic leaders of the senator intelligence committee say they have seen no indications that Trump town was under surveillance by the US government during last year’s election. President Trump has said Barack Obama ordered a wiretap on the building last year. House committee heads have also said they don’t believe his claims.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said Turkey is recently rowing with the Netherlands could imperil an agreement what the European Union over immigrants. He has made similar threatsin the past.


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n. 行,排;划船;街道;吵闹

vt. 划船;使……成排

vi. 划船;争吵

n. (Row)人名;(英)罗

imperil:[ɪm'perɪl; -r(ə)l]

vt. 危及;使陷于危险

The organization Topcon’s conversation has agreed to donate more than 400,000 hectares of lands to Chile for the creation of national parks. Together with a governmentaldonation,this will form part of the network of 17 national parks in Patagonia, covering an area the size of Switzerland.


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hectare:['hekteə; -ɑː]

n. 公顷(等于1万平方米)

An international committee has called for free access to Rekin state in Myanmar for 8 workers and journalists. It was looking for ways of ending the violence between revenged Muslims and Buddhists.

The opposition in Ghana has criticized the newly elected President Nana Akufo Addo for appointing 110 governmental ministers. It is the highest number of ministers in Ghana’s history. The minority leader in parliament describes the government as an elephant that would drain the country’s limited resources.

And the head of US Gymnastics has resigned following allegations that the organization was too slow to react to reports of sexual abuses. Steve Penny had faces mountain calls to quit after a civil sue was broadcast against US gymnastics and a former doctor who worked for the body for almost 30 years.


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