






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-3-20 22:48| 查看数: 892| 评论数: 0|

BBC News with Julie Candler.

In his first meeting with the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, President Trump has said he wanted free but fair trade to bring jobs back to America. Chancellor Merkel said she wanted agreements benefiting both sides, and hoped President Trump would come back to the TTIP trade talks with the European Union. Mr. Trump also reiterated his commitment to NATO, but urged members who owed vast amounts to pay their contributions.


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vt. 重申;反复地做

Mr. Trump also said the White House had not accused Britain of spying on him at the instigation of the Obama administration. It had only relayed news reports to that effect. Britain has called the allegations utterly ridiculous.

A U.S. secret service laptop, containing sensitive information about President Trump and Hillary Clinton, has been stolen. The computer contained the floor plans of Trump Tower and details of the investigation into Mrs Clinton's use of a private email server.

The U.N. Refugee Agency has said it's appalled by the deaths of dozens of Somali refugees whose boat was attacked off Yemen's Red Sea coast. It's still not clear who was behind the attack. But reports say it was fired at from the air.


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adj. 惊骇的;丧胆的

Scientists in Britain say a new anti-cholesterol drug can drastically reduce the risk of heart disease. The drug Evelopemep targets a protein in the liver to make the organ more effective at clearing the type of cholesterol which blocks arteries.


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n. [生化] 胆固醇


adv. 彻底地;激烈地


n. 蛋白质;朊

adj. 蛋白质的


n. 肝脏;生活者,居民


n. 动脉;干道;主流

The head of a United Nations agency has resigned after saying the U.N. had tried to pressure her to withdraw a report, accusing Israel of apartheid. Undersecretary-General Rima Halavi had described it as the first to conclude that Israel was a racist state.


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apartheid:[ə'pɑːtheɪt; ə'pɑːtaɪd]

n. 种族隔离

One of the 20th century's greatest masters of the English language, the Nobel laureate Derid Walcort has died in his homeland in Seleucia. He was 87. Awarding the Nobel Prize in 1992, the Swedish Academy called him the great poet of West Indian culture.


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laureate:'lɒrɪət; 'lɔː-]

adj. 戴桂冠的;荣誉的

n. 桂冠诗人;得奖者

vt. 使戴桂冠

BBC News.


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