






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-3-30 14:10| 查看数: 837| 评论数: 0|

BBC News with Eileen McCue.

Eileen McCue为您报道BBC新闻。

Dutch political leaders are about to take part in a final televised debate ahead of Wednesday’s general election. The two front runners in opinion polls are the center-right party of current Prime Minister Mark Rutte and that of an anti-EU anti-immigrant rival Geert Wilders.

周三的大选之前,荷兰政治领袖即将参加最后一轮电视辩论赛。民意测验中的两位领头羊是右翼党派现任首相吕特(MarkRutte)和反欧盟反移民的竞争对手基尔特•威尔德斯(Geert Wilders)。

Meanwhile Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has continued his bitter invective against the Netherlands accusing the Dutch of having blood on their hands. He cited the Srebrenic massacre when Dutch peacekeepers failed to prevent the killing of Bosnian Muslims.


French prosecutor say the presidential candidate Francois Fillon has been placed under formal investigation over allegations of corruption. Mr. Fillon denies having paid his wife and children for work they didn’t do.

法国检察官表示,总统候选人弗朗索瓦•菲永(Francois Fillon)已正式接受腐败调查。菲永否认他的妻子和孩子拿空饷。

The head of the US Marines General Robert Neller has admitted that the recent scandal involving photos of nude female marines being shared on the website is one of the darkest moments in the corps history. He promised to change the culture.

美国海军陆战队将军罗伯特•内勒(Robert Neller)承认最近互联网上分享的女海军裸照丑闻是海军历史上最黑暗的时刻。他承诺改良军队风气。

A Brazilian football team has been criticized for signing a goal keeper found guilty of ordering the murder of his former girlfriend. The club Boa Esporte confirmed the appointment of Bruno Fernandes despite a furious reaction on social media and by sponsors. He has been released from prison pending an appeal.

巴西一支足球队因签约一名唆使他人谋杀前女友的守门员而饱受批评。巴乙球会博阿竞技证实了聘用般奴费南迪斯(Bruno Fernandes)的消息,引起社交网站和主办者强烈反应。由于上诉案悬而未决,他暂时从监狱获释。

Doctors in Kenya arranged a 100 days’ strike that has paralyzed the country’s public health system. Doctors will receive additional monthly allowances of between 500 and 700 dollars.


Leader of Boko Haram’s splinter group has appeared in court in the Nigerian capital Abuja charged with the kidnapping and murder of ten foreigners. He and six other defendants denied the charges.


The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has denied in court that his wife Sarah ejected him from a car during a row. The couple are suing a journalist who made the claim on social media.



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