






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-4-11 23:00| 查看数: 919| 评论数: 0|

BBC News with Stewart Mackintosh.

The United States has said it could take further military action against the Syrian government over its use of chemical weapons, hours after it fired cruise missiles at a Syrian air base. The U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.Nick Healy said stopping the use and spread of chemical weapons was a vital national security interest.


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adj. 至关重要的;生死攸关的;有活力的

n. (Vital)人名;(法、德、意、俄、葡)维塔尔;(西)比塔尔

Separately, the U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said he was preparing further economic sanctions against Syria. Russia's envoy to the U.N. described the missile strikes as a flagrant violation of international law.

The state prosecutor in Sweden says a man has been arrested on suspicion of a terrorist act through murder, following Friday's truck attack on pedestrians in the capital, Stockholm. Four people were killed and fifteen injured when a stolen truck rammed into a department store.

President Trump and the Chinese President, Xi Jinping, have agreed on a 100-day plan for trade talks. That will aim to boost American exports and reduce its trade deficit with China. Mr. Trump has said to have accepted President Xi's invitation to make a state visit to China.

The Venezuelan opposition leader Henrique Capriles has dismissed an order banning him from public office for fifteen years as politically motivated. The ban could prevent him from standing for president in elections next year, where he's seen as the opposition's best hope to defeat President Nicolas Maduro.

The armed BASQUE separatist organisation ETA is said to have surrended its remaining weapons and explosives in an orchestrated handover in the southwestern French city of Felon. Eta declared a ceasefire in 2011. Madrid is adamant that Eta must not only disarm, but dissolve permanently.


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vt. 把…编成管弦乐曲;(美)精心安排;把…协调地结合起来

vi. 编管弦乐曲


adj. 固执的,坚强的;坚定不移的;坚硬无比的

n. 坚硬的东西;坚石

The Mexican authorities say they are granting residency permits to almost 600 Cuban migrants.

They were stranded in the country when the United States ended its policy of giving legal status to most Cubans who had reached U.S. soil.


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stranded :[strændɪd]

adj. 搁浅的;陷于困境的;有…股的(常用来构成复合词)

v. 搁浅(strand的过去式和过去分词)


n. 土地;土壤;国家;粪便;务农;温床

vt. 弄脏;污辱

vi. 变脏

BBC News.


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