






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-4-12 22:59| 查看数: 791| 评论数: 0|

BBC News with Jerry Smit.

President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has declared a three-month state of emergency throughout Egypt following the death of more than 40 people in two bomb attacks on Coptic churches. The 27 worshipers who lost their lives in the first explosion at the church in George near Cairo are being buried in a mass grave there. A further 16 people died in an attack On St. Mark’s Cathedral in Alexandria. The Islamic State group said it carried out the blasts.

Swedish media have named the Uzbek man suspected of carrying out Friday’s deadly lorry attack in the center of Stockholm as 39-year-old Rkamalakidov who had been due to be deported after failed residency application. Thousands of people earlier attended a vigil in the capital.


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n. 守夜;监视;不眠;警戒

n. (Vigil)人名;(西)比希尔

Norway has raised its threat level after the discovery of a home-made bomb in the Capital Oslo late on Saturday. A 17-year-old Russian citizen has been detained. The authorities say the man was known to them and he’d addressed support for the Islamic States group. His lawyer has said he was intended as a prank.


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n. 恶作剧,开玩笑;戏谑

vt. 装饰;打扮

vi. 炫耀自己;胡闹

The US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has criticized Russia for failing to prevent last week’s poison gas attack on Syrian civilians. Mr.Tillerson did not accuse Moscow of involvement in the attack but he said he will discuss Russia’s international obligations on chemical weapons when he visits the country on Tuesday.

Reports from Lagos say Nigerian police have evicted hundreds of people from their homes in a water front area. Eye witnesses said police arrived earlier in the morning firing tear gas and setting fire to the houses forcing residents to flee by boat.


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vt. 驱逐;逐出

Fans have been paying their final respects to the Rock and Roll legend Chuck Berry who died last month. The Pageant club in St Louis where Chuck Berry often played, opened its doors to allow people to view his body before a private family funeral later today.

BBC News.


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