






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-5-28 00:12| 查看数: 1189| 评论数: 0|

The father and a brother of the Manchester suicide bomber Simon Abadi, have been arrested in Libya. They were detained by local forces in the capital, Tripoli. Another brother was arrested in Manchester on Tuesday. Earlier, police in the city say a network was behind the bombing, which killed twenty-two people. Soldiers have been deployed in parts of central London as part of heightened security measures.

The United Nations says the Trump administration's plans for big budget cuts would make it impossible for the U.N. to continue some of its essential work. Under the budget plan released on Tuesday, funding for global health programmes and peacekeeping would be among the areas facing reductions.

Police in the Brazilian capital, Basilia, have clashed demonstrators demanding the resignation of President Michel Temer. More than 30,000 protesters marched in the city, damaging several government buildings and starting a fire inside the Ministry of Agriculture.

Ecuador's new president Lenin Moreno has taken office, promising to continue the left-wing policies of his predecessor Rafael Correa. In his inaugural speech, he promised more subsidies for the poor and a major social house-building programme.


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n. 补贴;津贴;补助金

The U.N. has demanded that the Saudi government halts the demolition of an historic neighbourhood in the eastern town of Ovmier. The authorities say the narrow alleyways of the town's old quarter have become a refuge for Shiite Muslim militants.


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n. 拆除(等于demolishment);破坏;毁坏


n. 胡同;小巷;窄街;走廊

Reports from Syria say an airstrike by the U.S.-led coalition has killed at least sixteen civilians. Activists said the attack targeted a village near the Islamic State group's stronghold of Raqqa.

Players and fans of the Europa League football final in Stockholm have observed a period of silence in memory of the victims of the Manchester bombing. Players from both Manchester United and the Dutch club IX are wearing black arm bands.

BBC News.


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