






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-6-16 23:37| 查看数: 871| 评论数: 0|

The senior US republican Paul Ryan has warned against any rush to judgment as Donald Trump faces what his critics say are the most serious allegations to present to his presidency. The President was accused of trying to get the former head of FBI James Comey to drop an investigation into reported links between a senior member of his administration and the Russians.

The US has decided not to re-impose sanctions on Iran’s nuclear program. This is despite President Trump’s bitter criticism of the deal of president Obama struck under which the Iranians agreed to curb their nuclear activities.

The New French President Emmanuel Macron has said he was getting into work immediately with the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk on overhauling the EU. Mr. Macron was speaking alongside Mr. Tusk before the two men began talks over dinner. Mr. Tusk said that millions of Europeans saw President Mr. Macron’s victory as a sign of hope.

Hungary is facing a too prompted campaign from the European Union to drop new laws restricting asylum seekers and nongovernmental organizations. The European commission has written a letter warning Hungary that it has been breaking European laws since March by automatically detaining asylum seekers.

Italy has been taken to court over its failing to clean up or close down 44 landfill sites that poses serious risks to human health. The European Commission said Italy should have brought dump sites up to standard nearly 8 years ago. The Naples Mafia has been accused of making billions of dollars a year from burying toxic and industrial waste on agricultural and housing land.

The Columbian government and the country's second largest armed group, the national liberation armies have resumed talks in Ecuador aimed at reducing every day’s violence as they negotiate a peace deal. Columbia signed a deal with the country’s largest rebel group, the FARC in November after 5 years of negotiations.

BBC News.


Julie Candler为您报道BBC新闻。

唐纳德•特朗普正面临批评人士所说的总统生涯内最严重的指控,美国资深共和党人保罗•莱恩(Paul Ryan)警示大家不要仓促做出任何判断。总统被指控试图制止FBI局长詹姆斯•科米(James Comey)调查特朗普政府一位高级官员与俄罗斯之间的关系。


新任法国总统马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)表示,他将立即与欧洲理事会主席唐纳德•图斯克(Donald Tusk)着手改革欧盟事宜。晚宴之前,马克龙已经与图斯克对话。图斯克表示,数百万欧洲人将马克龙的胜利视为希望的标志。



哥伦比亚政府和国家第二大武装组织“国民解放军”(National Liberation Army,ELN)在厄瓜多尔恢复对话,旨在谈判和平协议期间减少暴力活动。11月份,经过五年的谈判之后,哥伦比亚政府与最大的叛军组织FARC签署了和平协议。


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