






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-6-17 23:46| 查看数: 953| 评论数: 0|

A leading US Democrat says Donald Trump should allow a fully independent inquiry into allegations of Russian meddling in the presidential election if he’s got nothing to hide. Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi said this would remove all doubt about whether there had been a coverup. A special prosecutor has been appointed, but Nancy Pelosi said she was worried about how much freedom he would be given.

US-led coalition aircraft operating over Syria had attacked a convoy carrying pro-government militia forces. The militia men are said to have been moving towards a town’s airbase on Syria’s border with Iraq and Jordan. Elite US forces operated from the remote base in support of Syria opposition fighters in the area.

A senior UN official has sounded a warning about bombs hidden in laptop computers. Jean-Paul Laborde said it was a question of “when, not if” terrorists will use them on aircraft.

The Brazilian President Michel Temer who is facing a corruption investigation has insisted he will not resign. In a TV broadcast, Mr. Temer also denied allegations that he authorized bribes to silence a witness on corruption. He became President of Brazil last year after his predecessor Dilma Rousseff was impeached.

A driver has plowed into pedestrians in Times Square in New York, killing one person and injuring more than 20 others. Witnesses say his car sped up mount the pavement and finished upon 2 wheels.

The EU’s Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini says a new office to oversee military training missions in three African countries, Somalia, Mali, and Central African Republic could end up running in Brussels within days. 28 member states have given their approval.

And Football Association in England says they will introduce retrospective bans for any players who dive or feign injury during a match. The new rule will be applied across English football from next season wheter there is a clear evidence.

BBC news.


Ally Macue为您报道BBC新闻。

一名主要的民主党人表示,唐纳德•特朗普如果光明磊落的话,应该允许对俄罗斯干预美国总统选举的指控展开完全独立的调查。国会议员南希•佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)表示,关于特朗普是否有任何隐瞒,调查可以打消所有怀疑。特朗普委任了一位特别检察官,但是南希•佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)表示,她担忧这位特别检察官被赋予了多少自由度。



面临腐败指控的巴西现任总统米歇尔•特梅尔(Michel Temer)坚持称不会辞职。在电视广播中,特梅尔否认授权贿赂指正他贪污腐败的目击证人。去年,前任迪尔玛•罗塞芙(Dilma Rousseff)被弹劾后特梅尔当选巴西总统。


欧盟外交政策代表费代丽卡•莫盖里尼(Federica Mogherini)表示,几日之内,负责监管非洲三个国家,索马里,马里和中非共和国军事训练任务的办公室将在布鲁塞尔运作。28个成员国都同意该决定。




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