






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-7-3 23:32| 查看数: 951| 评论数: 0|

The former Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg has promised that the Americans will meet their commitments to fight climate change despite President Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris accord. Mr. Bloomberg said cities, states and companies across the United States were coming together and would seek to remain part of the Paris agreement. The billionaire is a UN special envoy on cities and climate change.

The UN Security Council has imposed sanctions on four North Korean companies and 14 officials, adding to the pressure on Pyongyang over its repeated ballistic missile launches. The Council voted unanimously to support measures jointly proposed by the United States and China.

The British Prime Minister Theresa May and the opposition Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn have been facing questions from voters in the final televised debate before next week's general election. Mrs. May stressed that she was the best person to lead Brexit negotiations and faced tough questions on austerity. Mr. Corbyn promised a left-wing alternative to spending cuts.

Police in London say Agnes Reeves Taylor, the ex-wife of the former Liberian President convicted war criminal Charles Taylor, has been charged with torture. They said she was suspected of carrying out the crimes during the civil war in Liberia between 1989 and 1993. Neither Mrs. Taylor nor her lawyers have commented.

France says its forces in northern Mali have killed about 20 Jihadist fighters this week. The Defense Ministry said planes and helicopters were used in operations mounted by France's counter-terror Barkhane Mission. It has 4,500 troops fighting Islamist militants across Sahel.

One of Germany's biggest music festivals has been evacuated following what police have described as a possible terrorist threat. Organizers say they had temporarily interrupted the "Rock am Ring" festival near the city of Nurnburg as a precaution.

BBC news.


Marian Marshall为您报道BBC新闻。

纽约市前市长迈克尔•布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg)承诺,尽管特朗普总统决定退出巴黎协定,然而美国仍然会履行应对气候变化的承诺。布隆伯格表示,美国每座城市,每个州和每一家公司都会团结起来,希望能够留在巴黎协定。这位亿万富翁是联合国城市和气候变化特使。


英国首相特雷莎•梅(Theresa May)和反对派工党党魁杰瑞米•科尔宾(Jeremy Corbyn)在最后一场电视辩论中将面临选民提问,大选将于下周举行。梅强调,她是领导脱欧谈判的最佳人选,她因紧缩措施面临严重质疑。科尔宾承诺针对削减支出出炉左翼选择方案。

伦敦警方表示,被判处战争罪的利比里亚前总统查尔斯•泰勒(Charles Taylor)的前妻艾格尼丝•李维斯•泰勒(Agnes Reeves Taylor)被控告虐待罪。警方称,她涉嫌在1989年至1993年利比里亚内战期间犯下该罪行。泰勒和她的律师均未发表评论。





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