






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2017-9-24 16:34| 查看数: 1097| 评论数: 0|


It is such a weekend as reminiscent of another similar one, a cloudy day threatening to rain which suggests something one would rather hold back on the point of expressing, that stirs in me a strong longing for my friends. Where are you now, scattered far apart from me? What are you doing at this moment? Is any one of you thinking of me as I am of you?



“Friend” is indeed a general word that is vague in meaning. It usually refers to people you know pretty well. But I have a different view. To my mind, they are neither nodding acquaintances nor people you make friends with out of considerations that they may help you someday, but rather those towards whom you have a special feeling. When separated, you miss and keep thinking about each other; when together, you feel comfortable in each other’s company as there is a tacit understanding between you. The time you spent together is cherished by you both as unforgettable.


The range of friendship can extend like snowballing, as each of your friends has friends of his own, until it forms a circle of considerable size. You may take it for granted that everyone within the circle is a friend of yours. But that’s an illusion. As time passes and life changes, the snowball is bound to melt and become smaller and smaller. When at last it dwindles to a minimum, the one who still stands by you will be a friend indeed. A smiling glance exchanged between you and such a friend means more than words can express.



A friend of mine in literacy circles, of whom I lost track, has now become a successful businessman. It is said he has had a hard time sending a message to me and eventually succeeded through a mutual acquaintance. He said, “It’s over a decade for me trying to make contact with him.” At this cordial remark, tears welled up in my eyes. Not that I was too sentimental, but in these days when everybody seems to look after his own profit, what is there more heartwarming than those few words?



Friendship needs treasuring. We must make efforts to keep it always refreshed, for one’s life would be lonely and desolate without friends.


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