






发布者: christlulu | 发布时间: 2006-5-3 12:06| 查看数: 6592| 评论数: 2|

<FONT color=#000000>[主持人]:女士们,先生们,大家早上好。我们很荣幸请到我们新当选的温家宝总理来这里,并回答大家的提问。另外非常高兴我们还请到了副总理黄菊,吴仪,曾培炎和回良玉同志。现在请温总理讲话。<BR><BR>Good morning ladies and gentalmen,we nead very honor and delighted,to have with us nearly elected premire Wen Jiabo to meet with you and take a questions.We are also very delighted to have with us the vice premires,Huang Ju,Wu Yi,Zeng Peiyan and Hui Liangyu.Now I would like to first give the floor <BR>to Premire Wen. <BR><BR>[温家宝]:请允许我首先介绍一下几位新当选的副总理。这位是黄菊同志。 <BR><BR>I'd like to start by introducing my colleges,vice premire Huang Ju <BR><BR>这位是吴仪同志。这位是曾培炎同志。这位是回良玉同志。四位副总理,比我大的有三位,年龄比我大的有三位。其中有一位女性副总理,她为我们今天的讲台增加了一点鲜艳的色彩。<BR><BR>among these all the vice premires,three of them are older than I am.And we are also very fortunate to have one female Vice premire who acturally as you can see add color and light to our podium. <BR><BR>请大家原谅,首先我要对全国人民讲几句话。 <BR><BR>Before I take of your questions,please allow me to use this opportunity to first say a few words to people across the country. <BR><BR>感谢人民对我的信任,我是一个很普通的人。我出生在农村的一个教育世家。我的祖父、父亲和母亲都是教员。我的孩提时代是在战乱中度过的。战火烧毁了我的全家,包括爷爷亲手办得那座小学。旧中国的苦难在我幼小的心灵留下不可磨灭的印象。 <BR><BR>I want to thank the Chinese people for the great trust you place on me. I am a very ordinary person. I come from a family of teachers in the countryside. My grandfather, my father and my mother were all teachers. And my childhood was spent in turmoil of war. Our home was literally burned down by the flames of war, and so was the primary school which my grandfather built with his own hands. The untold suffering in the days of old China left an indelible imprint on my tender mind. <BR><BR>我从在大学学地质到从事地质工作,整整25年。这期间大部分是在非常艰苦和恶劣的条件中度过的。我深知,人生的艰辛,也知道国家建设的艰难。但我也树立一种信心,一个人、一个民族、一个国家,只要不畏艰险,勇于攀登,一定能达到光辉的顶点。 <BR><BR>Since becoming a university student majoring in geology, I spent a full 25 years working in the geological field. A good part of it was spent in very tough and harsh conditions. That experience let me know kemly how me how hard life could be and how demanding a job it was to build up our country. But more importantly, that experience filled me with confidence. I firmly believe that, be it a person, a nation or a country, so long as they dare to brave hardships and dangers and not drag fatiging climb, they will eventually reach the luminous summit. <BR><BR>我在中南海工作了18年,这是我们国家现代化建设十分重要的一个时期。我亲眼目睹了在邓小平同志和江泽民同志的领导下,中国改革开放和现代化建设所取得的巨大成就,中国面貌发生的历史性变化。中国的建设事业是非常伟大也非常艰巨的,惟有在党的领导下,坚持改革开放,走有中国特色社会主义道路,国家才能繁荣富强;惟有民主、科学负责任的精神才能实现我们的目标。全国2500个县区,我跑遍了1800个。这使我更深的了解了国情和人民的状况,我深知人民的期待,我绝不辜负人民的期望。一定要以人民给我的信心、勇气和力量,忠实地履行宪法赋予我的职责,殚精竭虑,鞠躬尽瘁,不负重望。 <BR><BR>I have been working in Zhongnanhai (headquarters of the central government) for 18 years, which was an important period in China's reform, opening-up and modernization. I have seen with my own eyes under the leadership of comrades Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin, China has made remarkable achievements in its reform and opening-up programmes and has undergone a historical transformation. China's development is a project that is extremely great and demanding. Only through reform, opening-up and building socialism with Chinese characteristics under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) can we succeed in bringing about a strong and prosperous China. And only by adhering to a democratic, scientific and responsible spirit can we achieve our objectives. I have been to 1,800 out of a total of 2,500 counties in China which enables me to better know our national conditions and our people's lives. I know what they expect and what their expectations are. I will live up to their trust and I will use the confidence, resolve and strength I have gained from the people to perform my solemn constitutional duties as premier. I will exert all my strength and wisdom. I will dedicate myself completely to the service of the country, and do everything possible to live up to the people's expectation. </FONT>
<FONT color=#000000>现在,我愿意回答大家提出的问题。<BR><BR>Now I'd be happy to take your questions. <BR> <BR>[中央电视台记者]:温总理您好,我是中央电视台记者黄红。首先向您祝贺当选为本届政府总理,同时也向昨天新当选的四位副总理表示祝贺。温总理,我们知道您也是上届政府的主要领导人之一。请问您对上届政府的工作,以及对朱镕基总理本人的工作有何评价?过去的五年中国取得了举世瞩目的成就,也对本届政府的工作提出了更高的要求,请问温总理,您认为本届政府所面临的主要困难和挑战是什么?谢谢。 <BR><BR>I'm from CCTV.First of all,let me congratunation to yor Premire Wen on your election as Premire and our warm congratunation also gives to the Vice Premires.We konw,your are the one of the leading officials of the previous government.Over the past five years, China has accomplished a lot. So we would like to have your comments on the work of the previous government and of Premier Zhu Rongji himself. And with the achievements in the past five years, you now face a more demanding job in developing the economy even further. So what do you think are the major difficulties and challenges for the new government? <BR><BR>[温家宝]:以江泽民同志为核心的第三代领导集体,为中国的改革、发展、稳定作出了举世公认的巨大贡献,并且在实验中形成了“三个代表”重要思想,这是我们一笔宝贵的财富。上届政府在朱镕基总理的领导下,忠实地履行职责,做了大量富有成效的工作,人民对此是满意的。 <BR><BR>The third generation of Chinese leadership, with comrade Jiang Zemin at its core, made an enormous and universally recognized contribution to China's reform, development and stability, and have, through practice, formulated the important thought of the "Three Represents" which is a valuable spiritual asset. The previous government, under the leadership of Premier Zhu, faithfully performed their duties and did a huge amount of remarkable work. The public was satisfied with what they have done. <BR><BR>我们现在的全部工作都是在前任的基础上开始的。要居安思危,有备无患。我总记得一句古训:生于忧患,死于安乐。前人给我们奠定了很好的基础,但是摆在我们面前还有许多困难和问题,还要我们继续进行开创式的工作。 <BR><BR>All of our work will have to be built on what our predecessors have achieved . We will have to be mindful of possible adversities and be prepared for the worst. Actually, I always pay a lot of attention to an ancient motto, that is, one prospers in worries and hardship, and perishes in ease and comfort. Our predecessors have already laid a very good foundation for us. Yet, we are still faced with numerous difficulties and problems ahead which requires innovation and creativity as we press ahead. <BR><BR>我想,当前摆在我们面前的主要问题:第一,农业发展滞后,农民收入增长缓慢,已经成为制约扩大内需的一个重要因素。 <BR><BR>The first of the major problem we are faced with is the backward development of agriculture and slow increase of farmers' income. This has seriously constrained the expansion of China's domestic demand. <BR><BR>一部分企业经营困难,建立现代企业制度将是一个长期的任务,这是第二点。 <BR><BR>Second, some enterprises face difficulties in their business operation and the establishment of a modern corporate system would be a long-term task. <BR><BR>第三,下岗和失业人口不断增加,社会保障的压力非常之大。 <BR><BR>Third, the number of laid-off and unemployed workers keeps going up, causing tremendous pressure on the social security system. <BR><BR>第四,城乡发展不平衡,东西发展不平衡,还有相当一部分地区、相当一部分人口处于贫困状态。 <BR><BR>Fourth, uneven development between the urban and rural areas and between the eastern and western regions of the country. There are still quite many regions and populations are on their poverty. <BR><BR>第五,财政负担沉重,金融不良资产比例较高。 <BR><BR>Fifth, financial burden is heavy, and the proportion of non-performing assets or non-performing loans is quite high. <BR><BR>但是我们有改革开放20多年来奠定的雄厚物质技术基础,有安定团结的政治局面,只要坚持正确的路线和政策,我相信在以胡锦涛为总书记的党中央领导下,我们一定能够克服困难,实现全面建设小康的宏伟目标。 <BR><BR>Nevertheless, we have at all already built strong material and technological bases as a result of 20 years of reform and opening up. So long as we have the right policies and guidelines, I am confident that under the leadership of CPC Central Committee, with Hu Jintao as general secretary, we will surely overcome all the difficulties and achieve the grand objective of building a well-off society in an all round way. <BR><BR>[德新社记者]:我是德新社(记者),朱镕基开始当总理的时候,他说不管前面是地雷阵还是万丈深渊,我都将鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。那跟他比起来,你觉得你的工作风格会怎么样?谢谢。 <BR><BR>I'm from DPA.When Premier Zhu Rongji just became premier, he said whatever lies ahead, be it a field of landmines or unfathomable abyss, he will exert all his efforts and contribute all his best to the country until the last minute of his life. Compared with his working style, what are the features of your working style? <BR><BR>[温家宝]:朱镕基总理是我非常敬佩的一个领导人,他有许多优点值得我学习。至于我自己,大家普遍认为我是一个温和的人。但同时,我又是一个有信念、有主见、敢负责的人。 <BR><BR>I have a lot of respect for Premier Zhu. He has many strong points that I need to learn from him. As for myself, it is generally believed that I am quite mild-tempered. But, at the same time, I am someone who has deeply held convictions, who holds his grounds if it is consistent with his principles and who is confident and courageous enough to take up responsibilities. <BR><BR>在我当选以后,我心里总默念着林则徐的两句诗:苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之。 <BR><BR>Since I became premier, I have been whispering two lines written by Lin Zexu (a patriotic Qing Dynasty official in the 19th century) to myself. And they are: I will do whatever it takes to serve my country even at the cost of my own life, regardless of fortune or misfortune to myself. <BR><BR>这就是我今后工作的态度。 <BR><BR>This will be the attitude in which I will start my work. </FONT>


samin 发表于 2006-5-7 10:45:31
Good job, Lulu
麻木中。。。 发表于 2006-5-8 21:54:04
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