






发布者: david | 发布时间: 2006-5-8 20:15| 查看数: 4574| 评论数: 3|

<STRONG>Taking a taxi     </STRONG><STRONG>乘出租车</STRONG>
<STRONG>    <BR>基本词汇:<BR></STRONG>    <BR>catch  赶            <BR>train 火车       <BR>the lights 红绿灯
    <BR><STRONG>主要句型:<BR></STRONG>    <BR>Hangzhou Railway Station, please. 去杭州火车站。<BR>I want to catch the 11:30 train. 我要赶11:30的火车。<BR>We should be OK if the lights are with us.<BR>假如一路绿灯的话,我们能赶到的.
    <STRONG> <BR>情景会话:<BR></STRONG>    <BR>A: Hangzhou Railway Station, please. I want to catch the 11:30 train.<BR>去杭州火车站。我要赶11:30的火车。<BR>B: We should be OK if the lights are with us.<BR>假如一路绿灯的话,我们能赶到的。<BR>A: Here we are, sir. 15 yuan, please.<BR>到了, 先生。请付15元。<BR>B: Thank you very much. Here’s the fare and this for you.<BR>真得谢谢您。这是车费,这是给您的。
    <BR><STRONG>用法说明:<BR></STRONG>    <BR>对话中We should be OK if the lights are with us. 意为假如一路绿灯的话,我们能赶到的。也可以说We’ll be all right if traffic’s not very heavy. 意为假如交通不拥挤的话,我们能赶到的。<BR>    <BR>出租车都装有应付车资的仪表,不管开车所化时间和实际距离是多少, 司机必须按照仪表上所指示的车资收费,抵达后应明确告诉客人车费。在国外,客人有给小费的习惯。如果客人给小费,也不必推辞,收下并说谢谢即可。
   <BR><STRONG>补充情景对话:<BR></STRONG>    <BR>A: Zhejiang World Trade Centre, please. I have to be there by 10:15.<BR>去浙江世界贸易中心。我10:15以前要赶到那儿。<BR>B: We’ll be all right if traffic’s not very heavy.<BR>假如交通不拥挤的话,我们能赶到的。<BR>A: Here you are, sir. You are just in time. 18 yuan, please.您到了,先生。正好赶到。请付18元。<BR>B: Thank you so much indeed. Please keep the change.<BR>真的太谢谢您了。不用找了。
    <BR><STRONG>替换练习:<BR></STRONG>    <BR>1.Hangzhou Railway Station, please. I want to catch the 11:30 train.<BR>去杭州火车站。我要赶11:30的火车。<BR>Hangzhou Theatre              see the 7:30 show<BR>杭州剧院                  看7:30的演出<BR>Zhejiang University           attend the 9:30 conference<BR>浙江大学                   参加9:30的会议<BR>    <BR>2.We should be OK if the lights are with us.<BR>假如一路绿灯的话,我们能赶到的。<BR>if the traffic is not heavy 如果交通不拥挤的话<BR>if there are no hold-ups  如果路上不耽搁的话


Bestfriend 发表于 2006-5-9 13:44:57
<FONT face="Arial Black">Thank you for David kindly Info. Fully Support you.</FONT>
nine 发表于 2006-5-11 10:18:50
en,me too!
luo5811 发表于 2006-5-11 19:32:25
en me too
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