






发布者: david | 发布时间: 2006-5-8 20:17| 查看数: 5306| 评论数: 1|

<STRONG>Festivals   过节(1)</STRONG>
<STRONG>基本词汇:<BR></STRONG><BR>tomorrow 明天           <BR>will 将           <BR>National Day国庆节      <BR>during 在……期间    <BR>holiday 假期            <BR>to think about考虑      <BR>stay 停留           <BR>parents  父母          <BR>visit参观,访问
<STRONG>主要句型:<BR></STRONG>    <BR>Have you got anything to do during the holiday?<BR>你打算怎么过节?<BR>How about you? <BR>你呢? <BR><BR><STRONG> 情景会话:<BR></STRONG>    <BR>A: Tomorrow will be National Day.  Have you got anything to do during the holiday?<BR>明天是国庆节了,你怎么打算? <BR>B: Yes, I ’m thinking about going to the West Lake. How about you?<BR>我想去西湖玩玩,你呢?<BR>A: I will stay at home. My parents will come to visit me.<BR>我将在家里,父母亲要来看我。<BR>B: Have a pleasant holiday, Miss Zhang .<BR>张小姐,祝你节日快乐!<BR>A: The same to you!  你也一样。
<STRONG>用法说明:<BR></STRONG>    <BR>全世界各地区各民族对自己的节日都特别地重视,不同的节日在他们的心目中有其不同的重要性。英美国家的许多节日大都是与宗教有关的,如:圣诞节(Christmas),感恩节(Thanksgiving Day),复活节(Easter)等。节日期间,朋友或熟人见面都会互相问候,说一些如:新年好(Happy New Year!),圣诞快乐(Merry Christmas!),复活节快乐(Happy Easter!)等祝福的话。<BR>    <BR>对话中的How about you? 意为你的计划呢?你呢?to stay at home呆在家里; come to visit us 来看我们;parent父亲或母亲;parents父母,双亲。<BR>    <BR>在国定假日期间,许多人都会有出游的计划。如要询问别人有什么计划,可以这样问: Have you got anything to do during the holiday? 还有,并在对话中捎上祝福,如Have a pleasant holiday!或 Enjoy your holiday! 假日愉快!这也是很重要的。
<STRONG>补充情景对话:<BR></STRONG>    <BR>A: Happy Easter!  <BR>复活节愉快!<BR>B: Thanks. And you too!<BR>谢谢, 祝您也节日快乐!<BR>A: We are giving a party. Would you come?<BR>我们要开一个聚会, 您来吗?<BR>B: No, thanks. I’ve something else. And have a good time.<BR>不, 谢谢!我有其他安排。 祝您玩得开心。<BR>A: You too.<BR>您也一样。
<STRONG>替换练习:<BR></STRONG>    <BR>1.Tomorrow will be National Day.  明天是国庆节了。 <BR>International Labor Day劳动节<BR>the Dragon Boat Festival 端五节<BR>New Year’s Day 元旦<BR>     <BR>2.Yes, I ’m thinking about going to the West Lake. 我想去西湖玩玩.<BR>the Jade Spring玉泉<BR>Solitary Hill孤山<BR>Six Harmonies Pagoda 六和塔<BR>
<STRONG>Festivals   </STRONG><STRONG>过节(2)</STRONG>
<STRONG>基本词汇:<BR></STRONG><BR>moon cake 月饼    <BR>family 家庭       <BR>the Moon Festival 中秋节    <BR>know知道         <BR>important 重要的   <BR>time 时间          <BR>reunion 团聚
<STRONG>主要句型:<BR></STRONG>    <BR>I’m going to buy some moon cakes for my family.<BR>我想去为家人买月饼。<BR>Tomorrow is the Moon Festival. Do you know it?   <BR>明天是中秋节,你知道吗?
<STRONG>情景会话:<BR></STRONG>    <BR>A: Where are you going, Miss Zhang?    <BR>张小姐,你去哪里?<BR>B: I’m going to buy some moon cakes for my family.<BR>我想去为家人买月饼。<BR>A: What for?  为什么?<BR>B: Tomorrow is the Moon Festival. Do you know it?<BR>明天是中秋节,你知道吗?<BR>A: Yes, I know. It is an important festival in China. It is a time for familyreunion.<BR>我知道。这是中国很重要的节日,全家团聚的日子。
<STRONG>用法说明:</STRONG><BR>    <BR>中国的传统节日有春节(Spring Festival),元宵节(Yuanxiao Festival),清明节(Qingming         Festival),端午节(Dragon Boat Festival),中秋节(Moon Festival/Mid-Autumn Festival)等。<BR><BR>对话中的“Where are you going?”的意思是“你去哪里?”,仅限于非常熟悉的人之间使用。<BR>some moon cakes:一些月饼;<BR>moon:月亮;   cake糕或饼<BR>for my family:为了我的家人,an important festival:一个重要的节日, It’s a time for…:这是个..的日子,family reunion:全家团圆, It’s a time for family reunion:这是个合家团圆的日子。
<STRONG>补充情景对话:<BR></STRONG>    <BR>A: Tomorrow will be Dragon Boat Festival. Have you got anything planned?    <BR>明天将是龙舟节。 您有什么计划?<BR>B: Yes. I’m thinking about going to the West Lake to see the dragon boat race.<BR>有的, 我正在考虑去西湖边看龙舟赛。<BR>A. Sounds like a great idea. Have a good time.<BR>听上去这个主意不错。 祝您玩得开心。<BR>B. Thanks. And you too!<BR>谢谢, 您也一样。
<STRONG>替换练习:<BR></STRONG>    <BR>I’m going to buy some moon cakes for my family.<BR>我想去为家人买月饼。<BR>dumplins饺子<BR>dandies糖果<BR>gifts礼物<BR>


bettr 发表于 2010-11-9 10:10:34
candies ?
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