






发布者: 海伦 | 发布时间: 2006-5-16 08:31| 查看数: 7121| 评论数: 0|

  <STRONG>Depression, Heart Disease Often Go HandinHand</STRONG>
  Depression is one of the most common health disorders in theUS,and heart disease is a leading cause of death. Although theycanand do occur setely, research shows that the two conditionsareoften connected, health experts write in the February issue oftheMayo Clinic Womens HealthSource.
  Previous studies have shown that depression is more commonamongpeople with heart disease than among those without.Researchersfound that one in three heart attack survivorsexperiencedepression, compared to about one in 20 adults in thegeneralpopulation.
  Depression has also been shown to be a precursor to heartdisease.In one study of postmenopausal women, investigators foundthat thosewith symptoms of depression were 50 percent more likelyto developor die from heart disease than those without suchsymptoms, eventhough they had no prior history of heartdisease.
  Explaining the connection between the two conditions, theMayoClinic experts note that depression affects not only the mindbutalso physical health. Depression has been linked to increasedbloodpressure and abnormal heart rhythms, as well aschronicallyelevated stress hormone levels, which can increase theheartsworkload.
  Even if you dont have heart disease, if you arechronicallydepressed, you are at somewhat increased risk of heartdisease,Dr. Sharonne Hayes, a specialty reviewer of theHealthSourcepublication, told Reuters Health. Whats more, peoplewith ahistory of depression are susceptible for recurrence iftheydevelop heart disease, said Hayes, who is also the director oftheWomens Heart Clinic at the Mayo Clinic inRochester,Minnesota.
  Yet, the complex interplay between the two conditions mayallowfor one or both to go undiagnosed, according to theHealthSourcearticle.
  Findings from a previously reported study show that evendoctorsand nurses do not always readily assess depression inheartpatients, and it is hard for patients to recognize theirowndepressive symptoms, Hayes said.
  This tells us were probably missing some people who need tobetreated or at least further evaluated (for depression),shesaid.
  Symptoms of depression include persistent sadness, lossofinterest in normal activities, feelings of guilt orhopelessness,tiredness, restlessness and changes in appetite. Someof thesesymptoms may be discounted by many with heart disease orviewed asa natural part of dealing with aging or heart-healthproblems, thereport indicates.
  According to Hayes, It may be natural to grieve and be sad ifyouhave a new diagnosis of heart disease. If those feelingspersist orinterfere with normal daily ning, however, heartpatients shouldspecifically mention that and be evaluated (fordepression), sheadvised.(张咏)[双语新闻]布莱尔要帮英国女孩儿找工作[双语新闻]儿子数学作业难倒贝克汉姆[双语新闻]青少年肥胖与家庭周边环境有关[双语新闻]美国一家庭出现7位总统[双语新闻]发现:早期人类祖先曾是八字脚


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