






发布者: 冈仁波齐 | 发布时间: 2006-5-19 14:48| 查看数: 8974| 评论数: 0|

<FONT size=3>思路篇 <BR>Having enough reason to support your choice is essential in TOEFL writing. Here I listed some good reasons for a point as a sample. <BR><BR>  西方人经常提及的辩论话题之理由:(注意,有些理由在TWE中会被认为是重复的。只做欣赏。 另外,从中我们可以对自己的逻辑思维更加自信。) <BR><BR>  1. Smoking <BR>  For: <BR>  1. it is pleasurable and relaxing <BR>  2. it is one's right <BR>  3. it is difficult to stop smoking <BR>  4. it is an old custom going back hundreds of years <BR>  5. it is not always dangerous to one's health <BR>  6. it makes socializing easier <BR>  7. it is an important source of tax revenue <BR>  8. intoxication is a natural drive (e.g., coffee, drugs, alcohol) <BR>   Against: <BR>  1. it is harmful to one's health (e.g., heart disease, bronchial trouble, lung cancer ) <BR>  2. it is harmful to those nearby <BR>  3. it is a dirty and expensive habit <BR>  4. it is addictive (i.e., nicotine) <BR>  5. it is quickly being banned in public areas <BR>  6. it lives off deceptive advertising <BR><BR><BR>  2. School Uniforms <BR>  For: <BR>  1. they build character <BR>  2. they eliminate class differences <BR>  3. they allow students to better concentrate on their studies <BR>  4. they are popular with parents and administrators <BR>  5. they are inexpensive <BR>  6. they are attractive and neat <BR>  7. they eliminate the need to choose what to wear every day <BR>  8. many countries have them <BR>  Against: <BR>  1. they lead to conformity <BR>  2. they are disliked by students (students like to primp) <BR>  3. they create a military mentality <BR>  4. they are an infringement on our freedom (different strokes for different folks) <BR>  5. they are ugly and childish <BR>  6. they deprive youths of an important choice: what to wear <BR>  7. they are losing popularity everywhere <BR><BR>  3. Legalized Gambling <BR>  For: <BR>  1. it reduces taxes <BR>  2. it is a source of government revenue <BR>  3. it is gaining popularity in the world <BR>  4. it is an old practice dating back thousands of years <BR>  5. it is pleasurable (e.g., horse racing, casinos) <BR>  6. it is voluntary <BR>  7. many people play poker and mahjong <BR>  Against: <BR>  1. it is banned in most countries <BR>  2. it is condemned by most religions <BR>  3. it can become addictive <BR>  4. it encourages people to throw away their hard-earned savings <BR>  5. it teaches people not to work for money <BR>  6. it can destroy happy families <BR>  7. it can lead to suicide <BR>  8. it is easily controlled by the Mafia (e.g., bookmakers ) <BR><BR><BR>  4. City Life <BR>  For: <BR>  1. it is exciting <BR>  2. it attracts people from the countryside <BR>  3. it offers the best schools, hospitals, and stores <BR>  4. it offers many amenities (e.g., swimming pools, bowling alleys, and sports stadiums ) <BR>  5. it offers many chances of employment <BR>  6. its noise and overcrowding are hardly noticeable <BR>  7. cities have an efficient public transportation system <BR>  8. city planners can create a good living environment <BR>  9. crime can be found in the countryside as well <BR>  Against : <BR>  1. it is unhealthy (e.g., water and air pollution ) <BR>  2. it is not a good environment for children <BR>  3. it is devoid of Nature and distinct seasons <BR>  4. it is noisy and dangerous <BR>  5. it makes people nervous and even neurotic <BR>  6. it has created awful slums <BR>  7. cities are overcrowded and expensive <BR>  8. many city dwellers long to return to the countryside <BR>  9. city housing projects are unpopular <BR><BR>  5. Informing Patients Of Cancer <BR>  For: <BR>  1. patients want to know <BR>  2. it is wrong to hide the truth <BR>  3. it is not a shock for the patient but for his family <BR>  4. it gives the patient a chance to plan his last days <BR>  5. it is the patient' s body, not the doctor' s <BR>  6. doctors are for it (in the U. S.) <BR>  7. it allows a person to choose alternate means of treatment <BR></FONT>
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<TD vAlign=top><STRONG>[广告]:</STRONG> <a href="http://bbs.exue.com.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=36040&amp;extra=page%3D1" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#495549 size=3>论坛常见问题解答,如果遇到问题请点这里</FONT></A>
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<TD align=right width="63%"> </TD>
<TD align=right width="37%"><INPUT>繁"> <INPUT>简"> <SELECT> <OPTION value=12px selected>字体大小</OPTION> <OPTION value=12px>小</OPTION> <OPTION value=14px>中</OPTION> <OPTION value=16px>大</OPTION> <OPTION value=18px>特大</OPTION></SELECT></TD></TR></TABLE><FONT size=3>14.Foreign Aid <BR>  For : <BR>  1. it is humane <BR>  2. the rich should help the poor <BR>  3. all religions teach charity <BR>  4. it seeks to end poverty, disease, and illiteracy <BR> 5. it can be used to help refugees and combat slavery <BR>  6. it is given by all advanced countries <BR>  7. it is supported by the Red Cross and the United Nations <BR>  8. it helped rebuild Japan and Germany <BR>  9. it increases world trade <BR>  10.it achieves political objectives <BR>  11.it promotes national security <BR>  Against : <BR>  1. it is degrading to the recipient <BR>  2. it is never appreciated <BR>  3. it leads to feelings of inferiority <BR>  4. it limits the independence of developing countries <BR>  5. it subsidizes laziness <BR>  6. it often goes into the pockets of corrupt officials <BR>  7. it supports Third World dictatorships <BR>  8. it can be culturally damaging <BR>  9. it has divided the United Nations <BR>  10.the money should be spent at home for one' s own people <BR><BR>  15.Divorce <BR>  For : <BR>  1. it is the logical solution to a bad marriage <BR>  2. it allows both persons to seek happiness in a second marriage <BR>  3. it dates from as early as ancient Babylonia <BR>  4. it is legally recognized by most countries <BR>  5. it is accepted by most people <BR>  6. remarriage is a right <BR>  7. it is necessary in cases of adultery, alcoholism, desertion, drug addiction, and mental and   physical cruelty <BR>  8. children are better off living with one parent than with both in an unhappy environment <BR>  9. feminists support it <BR>  Against : <BR>  1. it breaks up the family <BR>  2. it makes it too easy for two persons to walk out of their marriage <BR>  3. it is opposed by various religions <BR>  4.it is banned by some countries <BR>  5. it was uncommon until fifty years ago <BR>  6. marriage is a serious responsibility <BR>  7. it is a sign of immaturity <BR>  8. counseling is the solution <BR>  9. it harms children emotionally <BR>  10.children need both parents <BR>  11.child custody decisions are messy <BR><BR>  16.Compulsory Military Service <BR>  For : <BR>  1. it aims to strengthen national defense <BR>  2. it teaches young men discipline <BR>  3. it builds character and physical fithess <BR>  4. it teaches valuable skills <BR>  5. it nurtures a spirit of comradeship an equality <BR>  6. it offers opportunities for overseas travel <BR>  7. it exists in many countries (e.g., Switzerland, Singapore) <BR>  8. it reduces unemployment <BR>  9. it instills a sense of patriotism <BR>  Against: <BR>  1. it is unnecessary in view of today' s professional armies <BR>  2. it is a step away from peace <BR>  3. some countries have abolished it (e. g., the U.S., Japan) <BR>  4. today' s armies do not need unskilled manpower <BR>  5. it interrupts young men' s studies and careers <BR>  6. it is a useless experience <BR>  7. it is a source of slave labor <BR><BR>  8. it results in bullying and conformity <BR>  9. it does not build character <BR>  10.it can cause mental disorders <BR>  11.military skills are useless in private industry <BR><BR>  17.Voluntary Euthanasia <BR>  For : <BR>  1. it is a basic right-the right to die <BR>  2. the Greek origin of the word euthanasia means "good death " <BR>  3. it allows one to die with dignity <BR>  4. it allows one to choose the time and place of death <BR>  5. it is logical and humane <BR>  6. it can be regulated with safeguards (e.g., the person must be rationally lucid) <BR>  7. it is painless <BR>  8. it is the solution to a terminal illness with suffering <BR>  9. the dying want it <BR>  10.some doctors will assist the patient to end his life <BR>  11.it recognizes death as a natural, biological process <BR>  12.doctor-assisted suicide is legal in Holland, under certain guidelines <BR>  Against : <BR>  1. it is murder or suicide <BR>  2. it is illegal in most countries <BR>  3. most doctors oppose it <BR>  4. it is a first step to killing the old and infirm <BR>  5. it is irreversible in the event of a new cure <BR>  6. only God can end a life <BR>  7. most religions oppose it <BR>  8. suicide is always irrational <BR>  9. the dying are too sick to know what they want <BR>  10.the dying should look to hospices that dispense painkillers <BR>  11.it can be abused by greedy persons seeking an inheritance <BR><BR>  18.Capital Punishment <BR>  For: <BR>  1. it frightens would-be criminals (acts as a deterrent ) <BR>  2. it serves as a just reward for killers <BR>  3. it lowers crime rates <BR>  4. it is more economical than a life sentence (saves the state money) <BR>  5. in rare cases it may lead to the death of an innocent person, but this cannot be helped <BR>  6. most countries practice it <BR>  7. killers should not be allowed to become hero-figures <BR>  8. a life sentence is never for life but for only a few years <BR>  9. killers are heartless and cruel and should not be protected by sociologists <BR>  Against : <BR>  1. it frightens no one <BR>  2. it is motivated by revenge and not justice <BR>  3. it does not lower crime rates <BR>  4. it can lead to the death of an innocent person (a mistake) <BR>  5. it is a barbaric practice (hanging, electric chairs, gas chambers) <BR>  6. it is unjust because only God can take away life <BR>  7. the real solution to crime is the elimination of social injustices and rehabilitation <BR>  8. killers are often mentally ill and in need of medical treatment <BR>  9. the death penalty is being abandoned by many countries <BR><BR>   <BR>  19.Trade Protectionism <BR>  For : <BR>  1. industries need government protection <BR>  2. no nation can allow its industries to be destroyed <BR>  3. agriculture must be protected for national security reasons <BR>  4. real free trade doesn' t exist and never has <BR>  5. national security is more important than idealistic trade principles <BR>  6. it has made Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan prosperous <BR>  7. every nation ' s economy is shaped by its own culture <BR>  8. there are various forms of free-market economy <BR>  9. every nation should have an industrial policy <BR>  10.governments must provide jobs for their workers by whatever means <BR>  Against : <BR><BR>  1. it invites retaliation <BR>  2. it invites reciprocity based on a quid pro quo basis <BR>  3. it impedes world trade and prosperity <BR>  4. it hurts poor, underdeveloped countries <BR>  5. it leads to trade wars <BR>  6. it makes industries less competitive <BR>  7. it costs taxpayers large sums of money <BR>  8. it gives consumers less choice <BR>  9. it is denounced by most nations <BR>  10.it is based not just on high tariffs but also on government regulations, inspections,      certification, and distribution <BR><BR>  20.Nuclear Power <BR>  For: <BR>  1. it provides huge amounts of energy from small amounts of fuel <BR>  2. it is the best source of energy for countries without oil <BR>  3. the world' s supply of oil will be exhausted in 90 years <BR>  4. it already produces most of the energy needs of some countries <BR>  5. it could supply all the world' s electricity for millions of years if fully developed <BR>  6. it is safe if properly supervised <BR>  7. nuclear power plants create less air pollution than fossil-fuel power plants <BR>  8. the issue has become far too emotional <BR>  Against : <BR>  1. it is too dangerous (e.g., Chernobyl accident) <BR>  2. most people are afraid of it <BR>  3. the world' s supply of uranium is fast decreasing <BR>  4. it is better to develop other sources of energy (e.g., fusion) <BR>  5. radioactive wastes cannot be disposed of <BR>  6. it can produce nuclear weapons for warfare <BR>  7. certain radical world leaders are trying to buy nuclear weapons <BR>  8. nuclear plants are expensive to build <BR>  9. the U.S. is slowly closing down its nuclear power plants <BR>  10.nuclear wastes can cause cancer</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>


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