





Mum's attention

发布者: Perfecy | 发布时间: 2009-9-15 18:02| 查看数: 2519| 评论数: 15|

My mum is a very kind person that I have seen so far.She cared for my study,and prepare much food to suit my appetite.She is such a strict woman that I feel deeply.My mum is a business woman,she stayed up with me until night .Then otherwise, I should sleep that time.I love my mum,and I believe my future .Believe it or not,my mum is my important role im my life. Thankyou for mum's attention.



是要批改作文吗。首先是注意时态。 好比cared for这里为什么用过去式,而后面prepare就用了一般时态。 其次是注意短语的用法。 好比play an important role. 建议,不要这么早就主动的去写作,多读,多背诵为佳。


CalmSky 发表于 2009-9-15 18:02:04

好比cared for这里为什么用过去式,而后面prepare就用了一般时态。


好比play an important role.

tezukazyunko 发表于 2009-9-15 21:48:34
I love my mother andfather~~
zykenglish 发表于 2009-10-13 17:47:42


Perfecy 发表于 2009-10-15 12:37:32
This composition is written many days ago,so I didn't care about it.,I f you have some suggestion ,plz tell me ,iI 'll correct it to please everyone.
Perfecy 发表于 2009-10-15 12:37:47
This composition is written many days ago,so I didn't care about it.,I f you have some suggestion ,plz tell me ,iI 'll correct it to please everyone.
Perfecy 发表于 2009-10-15 12:37:52
This composition is written many days ago,so I didn't care about it.,I f you have some suggestion ,plz tell me ,iI 'll correct it to please everyone.
jerry168 发表于 2009-11-2 11:46:05

My mum is a very kind person that I have seen so far.

(建议用the kindest最高以强调,给妈妈用最好的词没有问题)

(so far不好,目前为止?难道以后就不乐?用ever,i've ever seen)

She cared for my study,and prepare much food to suit my appetite.


She is such a strict woman that I feel deeply.(感觉后面没写完呢 i deeply feel my share of it as her daughter)

My mum is a business woman,she stayed up with me until night .


(stay up我个人理解是熬夜了,until almost midnight/late night)

Then otherwise, I should sleep that time.

(otherwise i should fall asleep earlier)

I love my mum,and I believe my future .

(后面这句的意思不明确 to reward?)

Believe it or not,my mum is my important role in my life.

(themostimportant role)

Thank you for mum's attention.

(thanks for mum's kind attention)
jerry168 发表于 2009-11-2 11:46:11

My mum is a very kind person that I have seen so far.

(建议用the kindest最高以强调,给妈妈用最好的词没有问题)

(so far不好,目前为止?难道以后就不乐?用ever,i've ever seen)

She cared for my study,and prepare much food to suit my appetite.


She is such a strict woman that I feel deeply.(感觉后面没写完呢 i deeply feel my share of it as her daughter)

My mum is a business woman,she stayed up with me until night .


(stay up我个人理解是熬夜了,until almost midnight/late night)

Then otherwise, I should sleep that time.

(otherwise i should fall asleep earlier)

I love my mum,and I believe my future .

(后面这句的意思不明确 to reward?)

Believe it or not,my mum is my important role in my life.

(themostimportant role)

Thank you for mum's attention.

(thanks for mum's kind attention)
jerry168 发表于 2009-11-2 11:46:38

My mum is a very kind person that I have seen so far.

(建议用the kindest最高以强调,给妈妈用最好的词没有问题)

(so far不好,目前为止?难道以后就不乐?用ever,i've ever seen)

She cared for my study,and prepare much food to suit my appetite.


She is such a strict woman that I feel deeply.(感觉后面没写完呢 i deeply feel my share of it as her daughter)

My mum is a business woman,she stayed up with me until night .


(stay up我个人理解是熬夜了,until almost midnight/late night)

Then otherwise, I should sleep that time.

(otherwise i should fall asleep earlier)

I love my mum,and I believe my future .

(后面这句的意思不明确 to reward?)

Believe it or not,my mum is my important role in my life.

(themostimportant role)

Thank you for mum's attention.

(thanks for mum's kind attention)
jerry168 发表于 2009-11-2 11:46:40

My mum is a very kind person that I have seen so far.

(建议用the kindest最高以强调,给妈妈用最好的词没有问题)

(so far不好,目前为止?难道以后就不乐?用ever,i've ever seen)

She cared for my study,and prepare much food to suit my appetite.


She is such a strict woman that I feel deeply.(感觉后面没写完呢 i deeply feel my share of it as her daughter)

My mum is a business woman,she stayed up with me until night .


(stay up我个人理解是熬夜了,until almost midnight/late night)

Then otherwise, I should sleep that time.

(otherwise i should fall asleep earlier)

I love my mum,and I believe my future .

(后面这句的意思不明确 to reward?)

Believe it or not,my mum is my important role in my life.

(themostimportant role)

Thank you for mum's attention.

(thanks for mum's kind attention)
jerry168 发表于 2009-11-2 11:47:29

My mum is a very kind person that I have seen so far.

(建议用the kindest最高以强调,给妈妈用最好的词没有问题)

(so far不好,目前为止?难道以后就不乐?用ever,i've ever seen)

She cared for my study,and prepare much food to suit my appetite.


She is such a strict woman that I feel deeply.(感觉后面没写完呢 i deeply feel my share of it as her daughter)

My mum is a business woman,she stayed up with me until night .


(stay up我个人理解是熬夜了,until almost midnight/late night)

Then otherwise, I should sleep that time.

(otherwise i should fall asleep earlier)

I love my mum,and I believe my future .

(后面这句的意思不明确 to reward?)

Believe it or not,my mum is my important role in my life.

(themostimportant role)

Thank you for mum's attention.

(thanks for mum's kind attention)
jerry168 发表于 2009-11-2 13:00:53
Joe·Wong 发表于 2009-11-2 18:00:47
lullaby 发表于 2009-11-11 21:27:46
lullaby 发表于 2009-11-11 21:27:54
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