





reading note

发布者: magicsxq | 发布时间: 2006-5-23 13:32| 查看数: 14789| 评论数: 13|

<  align=center><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=4>Computer virus</FONT>
< ><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=4>     Computer virus is a program taking messages written by some people who are trying to destroy information in computer, which can be copied automatically under the presumed condition. </FONT>
< ><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=4>     Imagine for one second that you are a student who just finished your homework with a month’s effort and are to email it to your professor, when suddenly the computer doesn’t work, which is infected by the computer virus. If you are a stuff in a bank which stores the customer’s data in the computer, one day you find the data destroyed or missing or changed into a kind of code you don’t understand, can you imagine what would happen? The troubles are caused by the same serious problem called computer virus.</FONT>
<P ><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=4>      As some sample of investigation shows, the computer virus can spread quickly and widely. It’s upset that your computer runs not so smoothly like before. It’s depressing that there are lots of unkown files appearing on your screen, taking much over the disk of your computer. It’s terrible, even be a disaster, that many important files could not be opened with many significant information missing and data destroyed. </FONT>
<P ><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=4>      So, we should enhance the aware of preventing ourselves against the evil computer virus. Firstly, the anti-virus program that’s similar to the body’s defense system should be placed in a computer almost like medicine is placed in the human body to fight disease. Secondly, try to avoid to visit the unknown website or open the unfamiliar received email. We should appeal the authorities to take effective steps to inspect and fight the computer virus. Only in this way, can we have a bright future in the internet.</FONT>


芥末膏 发表于 2006-5-24 11:34:18
<FONT face=Verdana color=#61b713 size=4><STRONG>Magicsxq, thanks. Good work.</STRONG></FONT>
<FONT face=Verdana color=#61b713 size=4><STRONG>Computer virus is really annoying. My computer has been affected by it many times and has been reinstalled the operating system many times too. But I still catch the virus without notice. What can I do to solve the problem? </STRONG></FONT>
<FONT face=Verdana color=#61b713 size=4><STRONG>By the way, I'm always curious about the unknown web sites. And I always want to discover what're in them. Haha.... Kidding you.</STRONG></FONT>
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[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-24 11:34:57编辑过]

Rita娜 发表于 2006-5-24 12:33:38
Thanks for your good essay, really appreciate it,magic!
wish more and more !
Rita娜 发表于 2006-5-24 12:42:20
Where there is a website,there is unknown virus!
芥末膏 发表于 2006-5-24 13:38:25
<STRONG><FONT color=#ae33cc size=4>So avoid visiting those web site is not solution for not catching virus. Throwing the computer is.</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#ae33cc size=4>Haha.... Kidding again.</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#ae33cc size=4></FONT></STRONG>
Rita娜 发表于 2006-5-25 11:22:15
support you,James Bond!
You will know what you will get after that
紫雨蝶舞 发表于 2006-5-31 21:43:26
<p>computer virus is&nbsp; annoying </p><p>my computer has caught it many times</p><p>how to avoid it ,who can tell me </p>
liuhui6850 发表于 2006-5-31 22:48:33
it's so easy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~there's no virus-killer software in my computer~~~but my computer runs in good condation~~~how wonderful~~~maybe i can help you in some way~~~[em07]
magicsxq 发表于 2006-5-31 23:44:54
I&nbsp;don't know&nbsp;how to avoid the computer virus,either.But now I have a good practice I can tell U. Don't install any significant software in Ur disk C,as well as the important documents.So just reinstall the progame as U need and there is no need to&nbsp;hesitate any more
Rita娜 发表于 2006-6-1 17:24:05
<p>magic, is that true??</p><p>if so, i really have a try!!</p>[em04][em04][em04]
紫雨蝶舞 发表于 2006-5-31 21:43:26
<p>computer virus is&nbsp; annoying </p><p>my computer has caught it many times</p><p>how to avoid it ,who can tell me </p>
liuhui6850 发表于 2006-5-31 22:48:33
it's so easy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~there's no virus-killer software in my computer~~~but my computer runs in good condation~~~how wonderful~~~maybe i can help you in some way~~~[em07]
magicsxq 发表于 2006-5-31 23:44:54
I&nbsp;don't know&nbsp;how to avoid the computer virus,either.But now I have a good practice I can tell U. Don't install any significant software in Ur disk C,as well as the important documents.So just reinstall the progame as U need and there is no need to&nbsp;hesitate any more
Rita娜 发表于 2006-6-1 17:24:05
<p>magic, is that true??</p><p>if so, i really have a try!!</p>[em04][em04][em04]
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