





英国民众送“特朗普宝宝”上天 反对其访英

发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2019-4-16 04:07| 查看数: 817| 评论数: 0|

BBC news with David Austin.

大卫 奥斯汀为您播报BBC新闻。

President Trump will meet the British Prime Minister Theresa May again shortly hours after making a damaging attack on her Brexit policy. Mr. Trump told the Sun Newspaper that his host's plans involving close alignment with EU would probably kill any prospect for trade deal with the US. He also praised Boris Johnson who resigned as Foreign Secretary in protest against the government's position, saying he would make a great Prime Minister. Thousands of people are expected to a gathering today in London for a series of mass protest against Donald Trump's visit. The huge balloon depicting the president as a wailing baby in a nappy will fly next to the British parliament.

特朗普总统将要会见英国首相特雷莎 梅(Theresa May),而就在不久前,特朗普还强烈攻击了特雷莎的脱欧政策。特朗普在接受《太阳报》采访时表示,特雷莎计划与欧盟保持密切的结盟关系。这样的话,英国就很有可能不会与美国达成紧密的贸易协定了。特朗普还赞扬英国前外交大臣鲍里斯 约翰逊(Boris Johnson)反对特雷莎政府的立场。特朗普表示,约翰逊会成为很棒的首相。今天预计有上千人集会,进行大规模抗议示威,反对特朗普出访英国。一只代表特朗普的大型气球将飞在英国国会附近,这只气球是一个哭着的婴儿,还穿着尿不湿。

Pakistan's former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is due to return home from London a week after he was sentenced in absentia to 10 years in jail for corruption. The authorities in Pakistan say he and his daughter will both be arrested on arrival and sent to jail. Thousands of his supporters were expected to greet him at the airport in Lahore.

巴基斯坦前总理纳瓦兹 谢里夫(Nawaz Sharif)将从英国回国。一周前,他因腐败罪名被缺席判决为入狱10年。巴基斯坦当局表示,谢里夫及其女儿两人一回国就将被捕入狱。谢里夫的无数支持者会在拉合尔的机场接机。

Reports from eastern Syria say an air strike has resulted in the death of 28 civilians. The strike is in one of the last holdouts of the jihadist group Islamic State, close to the border with Iraq.


Police in Chile have arrested a priest to confess to sexually abusing at least five children. Oscar Munoz is the first person detained in an abuse scandal that engulfed Chile's Roman Catholic Church.

智利警方已逮捕一名教士,该教士承认曾性虐至少5名儿童。此人名为奥斯卡 穆诺茨(Oscar Munoz),智利的罗马天主教里涉案人员众多,此人是第一个被缉拿归案的。

Chinese investigators have concluded that an Air China co-pilot mistakenly caused his plane to begin an emergency descent when trying to hide the fact that he was smoking an e-cigarette while flying.


Portugal's parliament has extended to 16-and-17-year-olds the right to change their official gender and name without having to obtain a medical diagnosis. They will require parental authorization and a medical report stating they are acting freely.


That's the latest BBC news.



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