






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2019-6-30 01:49| 查看数: 1072| 评论数: 0|

Porkchop The Pig Wins Los Angeles Hearts

A true social animal Porkchop, the pig, loves to be the center of attention as she walks along Los Angeles streets accompanied by her owner Kimi Yamamoto.I lost my favorite dog three years ago.I still miss him.Then I decided to have another pet.When I was little, I always wanted to have a pig. I found her in an ad.That said she needed a new home.Yamamoto moved to the United States from Japan over two decades ago.His job selling vintage motorcycles gives him flexible hours and the chance to work outside the office, so he has time to walk his extraordinary companion during the day.


When I see the people smiles, Porkchop Ybarra, that, it makes me happy.They are surprised, sometimes screamed with a big smile, then come to me.They asked to pet her.Yeah, it was surprised to see her on the street.She’s beautiful and I like her tutu.I thought it was a dog out of the corner of my eye and I realized it was a pig. She’s very cute.Porkchop has caused a sensation in a number of boutiques as well,and even got a flower as a gift from impressed employees.

我看到有人朝“小猪排”笑的时候,就感到高兴。人们都很吃惊,有时人们满面笑容地大声尖叫! 有人过来要求摸摸它。是呀,在街上看到它真吃惊。她真漂亮,我喜欢它的芭蕾短裙。我以为是只狗,后来才发觉是只猪,她好可爱!“小猪排”也曾在一些精品店引起轰动,还有店员追星似的给他送花。

The pig itself however was unimpressed with the latest designer collection in the store, preferring fresh berries and fruit.Manager of the Chanel also Louis Vuitton, they really love her.Yamamoto says porkchop behaves a lot like a dog and even learned the command shake,and just like some other famous pets, she even has her own Instagram account.Because when you’re a star in this city, you have to keep in touch with your fans.



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