






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2019-7-17 02:46| 查看数: 919| 评论数: 0|

Asia's largest retailer is hoping that a $280,000annual salary and a managerial title in three years willlure top talent as it grapples with one of the tightestlabour markets in Japanese history.


The salary being considered by Uniqlo owner FastRetailing Co. would be more than three times theaverage pay at the company, and nearly 10 times thenational average in Japan for those with similaremployment tenures.


The higher pay is meant to draw in talented people to Fast Retailing and is being considered byChief Executive Officer Tadashi Yanai, the company said. He is mulling putting the higher salariesinto effect next spring. The effort follows a move earlier this year to raise compensation forsome new hires.


The company is considering promising young talent a move into management within threeyears with annual salaries of 20 million to 30 million yen ($279,329) for those sent to the U.S.or Europe, and more than 10 million yen for those in Japan, according to a Nikkei report from aninterview with Yanai.


As Japan struggles with an aging population and a shortfall of young workers, businesses aredismantling previously sacred cultural norms, like the correlation of pay with experience, andthe notion of lifetime employment.


Tech companies in Japan have made similar moves to draw in young talent, promising milliondollar salaries and raising starting pay by 20 percent for top candidates.


The average Fast Retailing annual pay was about 8.77 million yen as of August 2018, accordingto company filings. The lowest salary at the company was about 4 million yen a year, the Nikkeireport said, citing previous data from the company's recruiting website.


Nationally, the average annual salary for workers with up to four years of work experience was3.1 million yen in 2017, according to figures compiled by the National Tax Agency.


Fast Retailing assigns most fresh recruits to work in Uniqlo stores, but under the new system,more will be sent to specialized departments that suit their skills in areas including informationtechnology and design, according to the Nikkei report.


The company will then choose candidates for managerial positions in Japan and overseas afterthree to five years.



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